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Option 2) The descending limb of loop of Henle is impermeable to water. Answer: 1) The ascending limb of loop of Henle is impermeable to water The descending limb of the Nephron Loop (loop of henle) is not permiable to sodium. The loop of Henle has a hairpin configuration with a thin descending limb and both a thin and thick ascending limb. In thick ascending limbcarrier pump Na-K-2Cl transporter, transports one Na, one K . All India Exams NEET The descending limb of the loop of Henle is permeable to water, which is drawn into the hypertonic interstitium, leaving the filtrate in the tube more concentrated. The ascending limb (where loop diuretics work) is impermeable to water. As the thin descending limb makes its way into the medulla the surrounding tissue becomes ever increasingly hypertonic and therefore the osmotic gradient increases the deeper the limb goes. The descending loop of Henle is the second part of the renal tubule after the proximal convoluted tubule. Basically, the descending portion is permeable to water, but the ascending portion isn't. As solute is reabsorbed in the ascending limb, it pulls water out in the descending limb. Osmolality in the limb decreases, and it is lower inside the loop than in the interstitial fluid. This is because ions can now enter or are now permeable the loop of Henle. There NOW be decreased osmolarity of the fluid of the fluid at the . The Henle's loop is responsible for the reabsorption of water and salts. This allows water to leave by passive diffusion as the tubule segment enters the hypertonic renal medulla. The loop of Henle has a hairpin configuration with a thin descending limb and both a thin and thick ascending limb. D. Descending limb of the loop of Henle C Solutes move from the blood in the glomerular capillaries into the Bowman's capsule due to which of the following infl uences? The ascending limb (where loop diuretics work) is impermeable to water. Osmolality can reach up to 1400 mOsmol/kg by the end of the descending limb. Correct option is C) Ascending limb of the loop of Henle is less permeable to water and more permeable to sodium and chloride ions. Na +, K +, Cl -. a. solutes and water b. proteins and solutes c. water and proteins d. water and solutes Statement-1 : In the descending limb of loop of Henle, the urine is hypertonic, which in ascending limb of loop of Henle, the urine is hypotonic. The Loop of Henle contributes to the absorption of approximately 25% of filtered sodium and can be targeted by diuretic therapy. Expert Answer 100% (1 rating) Answer 1. The descending part of the thin segment of the loop of Henle is highly permeable to water and moderately permeable to most solutes and little or no active reabsorption. The descending limb of loop of Henle is permeable to electrolytes Practice questions, MCQs, Past Year Questions (PYQs), NCERT Questions, Question Bank, Class 11 and Class 12 Questions, NCERT Exemplar Questions and PDF Questions with answers, solutions, explanations, NCERT reference and difficulty level. The 300 mOsm/L fluid from the loop loses water to the higher concentration outside the loop and increases in tonicity until it reaches its maximum at the . 10. The ascending limb (where loop diuretics work) is impermeable to water. The loop has a hairpin bend in the renal medulla. Option 4) The descending limb of loop of Henle is permeable to electrolytes. In the ascending limb, salt is actively recovered from the filtrate and passed into the 8527521718; (2) The reabsorption of sodium chloride also produces concentration gradients that drive the countercurrent multiplier system in the medulla and medullary rays and thus concentrates the urine. . Indicate whether the statement is true or false. The proximal tubule cells are highly permeable to water and many solutes. D. descending limb of loop of Henle is permeable to electrolytes. The thin descending limb is permeable to water but impermeable to urea, whereas the ascending limb is impermeable to water but permeable to urea; it is also very highly permeable to Na+ and Cl−. C. Descending limb of Henle's loop. The single effect refers to how the Na +-K +-2Cl - cotransporters located in the thick ascending limb of the nephron reabsorb ions into the interstitial fluid. In the loop of Henle, the permeability of the membrane changes. A. pulls water by osmosis into the lumen of the tubule B. is freely permeable to sodium and urea C. is not permeable to water D. contains fluid that becomes more concentrated as it moves down into the medulla Advertisement oijhpl2063 is waiting for your help. The descending limb is highly permeable to water, with reabsorption occurring passively via . The descending limb of the loop of Henle is water permeable, so the water flows from the filtrate to the interstitial fluid. #3. The hyperosmotic status of the fluid at the bottom of the loop relative to the fluid at the top of the loop was created by the non permeability of ions and permeability of water. "Waterfall" is used to remember the physiology of the descending loop of Henle. The ascending limb is highly permeable to ions and almost impermeable (but still a bit permeable) to water. A) Water, Sodium B) Sodium and water, Sodium and water C) Sodium ion, Chloride ion D) Sodium, Water Expert Answer 100% (1 rating) Options D is correct because Ascending limb of the loop of Henle is less permeable to wate … The loop of Henle reabsorbs approximately 40% of filtered sodium, mostly in the TAL, and approximately 25% of filtered water in the pars recta and thin descending limb. The osmolarity can reach a maximum of 1200 mOsm/L at the tip of the medullary interstitium in antidiuresis. Descending limb of loop of Henle is permeable to water but impermeable to electrolytes while ascending limb is impermeable to water but permeable to electrolytes. . Water diffuses into the hyperosmolar medullary interstitium. 10. 2. answered The descending limb of the loop of henle ________. The proximal tubule cells are highly permeable to water and many solutes. 3) The ascending limb of loop of Henle permeable to water. <br> Statement-2 : Descending limb is impermeable to sodium, while ascending limb is impermeable to water. The loop of Henle comprises two major areas of physiological importance. The descending limb does not actively transport salt, and indeed is believed to be impermeable to the passive diffusion of salt. It is, however, permeable to water. Typically, human urine is acidic as (2015) 3. (D) The descending limb of loop of Henle is permeable to electrolytes. The thick ascending limb of the loop of Henle is highly permeable to __ solutes ___ but not to ___ water _____. The ascending limb (where loop diuretics work) is impermeable to water. The descending limb of the loop of Henle is permeable to water. Since the loop of henle location is at the Nephron; both the descending and ascending limbs carry a spongy feeling. The thick ascending limb of the loop of Henle is highly permeable to __ solutes ___ but not to ___ water _____. #3. . 4. . Because of these factors, the concentration of the urine increases dramatically in the descending limb. Loop of Henle: The thin descending limb of the loop of Henle is highly permeable to ___ water ____ but not to __ solutes _____. Tubular fluid in thin descending limb is hypertonic. The walls of the descending limb of the loop of Henle are relatively permeable to sodium. Add your answer and earn points. Thick ascending limbs of Henle's loop have at least three major roles: (1) They reabsorb sodium chloride which dilutes the urine. a_44/12138619. The epithelium of the descending loop of Henle shows low permeability to ions. They belong to the renal tubule. The descending limb is permeable to water, but not to ions. The descending loop of Henle receives isotonic (300 mOsm/L) fluid from the proximal convoluted tubule (PCT). The renal fluid becomes increasingly concentrated, when it flows down in the descending limb of loop of Henle towards inner medulla, but its concentration decreases in the ascending limb, when it flows towards the cortex. Answer: A The thin descending limb has low permeability to ions and urea while being highly permeable to water. The descending limb of the Nephron Loop (loop of henle) is not permiable to sodium. Thick ascending limbs of Henle's loop have at least three major roles: (1) They reabsorb sodium chloride which dilutes the urine. The __ tight junction _____ permit the movement of water between the cells. The descending loop contains AQP1 and is therefore permeable to water but impermeable to salt. The thin descending limb is permeable to water but relatively impermeable to sodium, whereas the thin ascending limb and TAL are essentially impermeable to water. As a consequence of fluid travelling into the increasing hypertonic medullary interstitium (created by the ascending limb; see above), water is withdrawn by . Only water is reabsorbed from thin descending limb of Henle loop due to its high permeability to water. 4) The descending limb of loop of Henle is permeable to electrolytes. The Bowman's capsule is connected to the renal tubule which has a few segments: the proximal convoluted tubule, the U- shaped loop of Henle with a thin descending, a thin ascending limb and a thick ascending limb, and finally the distal convoluted tubule which empties into the collecting duct, which collects the urine. The loop of Henle has a thin descending limb, a thick ascending limb and a thin ascending limb. The thin ascending limb is impermeable to water, but it is permeable to ions.So, the correct option is 'The ascending limb of the loop of Henle is impermeable to water.' | Snapsolve (C) The ascending limb of loop of Henle is permeable to water. Tubular fluid in thick ascending limb is hypotonic. What happens in descending loop of Henle? The thin descending loop is highly permeable to water (which is easily transferred to the interstitium) and less permeable to solutes. As a result of this the filtrate gets concentrated as it moves down the descending loop. Statement-1 : In the descending limb of loop of Henle, the urine is hypertonic, which in ascending limb of loop of Henle, the urine is hypotonic. freely permeable to sodium and urea not permeable to water c.pulls water by osmosis into the lumen of the tubule d.contains fluid that becomes more concentrated as it moves down into the medulla Advertisement lilrese606 is waiting for your help. Water diffuses into the hyperosmolar medullary interstitium. The descending limb of the loop of Henle is permeable to water. It is permiable to Urea that diffuses from the permiable lower end of the collecting tubule(CT). 1) The ascending limb of loop of Henle is impermeable to water. . Some sources simply refer to a "thin limb". Which of the following option is completely permeable to water and impermeable to electrolytes? But they are not distinguishable. Why is the descending loop of Henle thinner than the ascending loop of Henle? a. Remember, the loop is sharply bent in the renal medulla going from descending to ascending thin limb. Part of nephron involved in active reabsorption of sodium is (NEET-II 2016) A. proximal convoluted tubule. Descending limb of loop of Henle is permeable to water but impermeable to electrolytes while ascending limb is impermeable to water but permeable to electrolytes. This occurs in a ratio of 1 Na+ to 1 K+ to 2 Cl-. The loop has a sharp bend in the renal medulla going from descending to ascending thin limb. The descending limb is the preamble to water but impermeable to the electrolyte. Dorlands/Elsevier. Step 2: Descending Loop - "Waterfall" "Every Waterfall Raises Sodium in Exchange for Potassium to Make Another Waterfall". This solution is incorrect. Water diffuses into the hyperosmolar medullary interstitium. Water diffuses into the hyperosmolar medullary interstitium. These cotransporters remove Na +, Cl −, and K + from the filtrate as it passes through the thick ascending limb of the Loop of Henle. The osmolarity can reach a maximum of 1200 mOsm/L at the tip of the medullary interstitium in antidiuresis. 3. Salt (NaCl) is actively extruded from the ascending limb into the surrounding interstitial fluid. The ascending loop of Henle is a direct continuation of the descending loop of Henle. The thick ascending limb of the loop of Henle reabsorbs about 25% of the filtered loads of sodium, chloride and potassium as well as large amount of calcium, bicarbonate and . The ascending limb is permeable to salts and impermeable to water. The descending limb is highly permeable to water, with reabsorption occurring passively via . Answer: (A) The ascending . (a) The descending limb of loop of Henle is impermeable to water (b) The ascending limb of loop of Henle is permeable to water (c) The ascending limb of loop of Henle is impermeable to water (d) The descending limb of loop of Henle is permeable to electrolytes B. distal convoluted tubule. False The descending limb of the Henle's loop of is permeable to water but almost impermeable to electrolytes. Also called the loop of Henle, the Henle's loop carries both descending limb of loop of henle and ascending limb of loop of Henle. In contrast to the descending limb, the transport epithelium of the ascending limb of the loop of Henle is permeable to salt, not water. Since the surrounding interstitial fluid is hypertonic to the filtrate in the descending limb, water is drawn out of the descending limb by osmosis and enters blood capillaries. Add your answer and earn points. The osmolarity can reach a maximum of 1200 mOsm/L at the tip of the medullary interstitium in antidiuresis. Ascending limb of the loop of . Therefore, the solute concentration of the filtrate at the beginning of the ascending limb is . The cells here are permeable to water and thus the salt and urea concentration rises within the . The thick ascending limb actively reabsorbs . This solution is correct. It is permiable to Urea that diffuses from the permiable lower end of the collecting tubule(CT). As the filtrate enters the ascending limb, Na+ and Clions exit through ion channels present in the cell membrane. Statement I. Thin ascending limb of loop of Henle- It is impermeable to water, but it is permeable to ions. 2) The descending limb of loop of Henle is impermeable to water. The tube then bends back on itself and heads back up the cortex. On . The descending limb of the loop of Henle is permeable to water. The thin limb is lined by a simple squamous epithelium while the thick limb is lined by the simple cuboidal epithelium. 4 Sodium is . 1.Descending limb of the loop of Henle 2.Ascending limb of loop of Henle 3.Loop of Henle 4.DCT Body Fluids and Circulation Zoology Practice questions, MCQs, Past Year Questions (PYQs), NCERT Questions, Question Bank, Class 11 and Class 12 Questions, NCERT Exemplar Questions and PDF Questions with . The descending limb of the loop of Henle is impermeable to water so no passive diffusion occurs. #3. Histology The epithelium of the Thick segment is low simple cuboidal epithelium. Rep gems come when your posts are rated by other community members. The osmolarity can reach a maximum of 1200 mOsm/L at the tip of the medullary interstitium in antidiuresis. Both parts contain tubular fluid. The epithelium of the Thin segment is simple squamous. The Loop of Henle contributes to the absorption of approximately 25% of filtered sodium and can be targeted by diuretic therapy. Click here to get an answer to your question ️ The descending limb of loop of Henle is permeable to (a) Glucose (b) urea (c) electrolytes (d) water Murrsaid8394 Murrsaid8394 26.04.2019 general-biology. The thick descending limb is less important than the thin descending limb, so often the terms "descending limb" and "thin descending limb" are used interchangeably. As a result of the sodium-potassium ATPase pumps, sodium ions are extracted from the filtrate and replaced in the filtrate by potassium ions. Apr 21, 2012. Step-by-step explanation. The ascending limb of Henle's loop is pe … View the full answer D. Bowman's capsule. Option 3) The ascending limb of loop of Henle is permeable to water. The thin descending limb of the loop of Henle has leaky "tight" junctions. All India Exams NEET C) movement of water and solutes is passive. 1. The descending portion of the loop of Henle is extremely permeable to water and is less permeable to ions, therefore water is easily reabsorbed here and solutes are not readily reabsorbed. Thin descending limb of loop of Henle, has low permeability to urea and ions but highly permeable to water. This leads to a high concentration . B) thin segment is not permeable to sodium ions, chloride ions, or water. ( Original post by thegodofgod) The descending limb is highly permeable to water but impermeable to ions, e.g. The loop of Henle has a thin descending limb, a thick ascending limb and a thin ascending limb. The thin descending loop is highly permeable to water (which is easily transferred to the interstitium) and less permeable to solutes. This solution is incorrect. A. osmotic pressure difference B. diffusion down the concentration gradient C. by active transport D. hydrostatic pressure difference D As filtrate ascends the thin segment of the ascending limb, NaCl diffuses out of the permeable tubule into the interstitial fluid, increasing the osmolarity of the medulla. Ascending and descending loop of Henle are two parts of the Henle loop of the nephron. The descending limb of the loop of Henle is permeable to water. asked Sep 9, 2016 in Biology & Microbiology by HoshGosh. The water-permeable thin descending limb concentrates the tubular fluid by reabsorbing water; and then the thin and thick ascending limbs dilute it again by reclaiming much of the solutes so that the end product is tubular fluid with extremely low osmolality (as low as 90 mOsm/kg). <br> Statement-2 : Descending limb is impermeable to sodium, while ascending limb is impermeable to water. The descending loop of Henle has very different properties to the ascending limb and is travelling in the opposite direction. ids, then enters the loop of Henle, which dips into the strongly hypertonic renal medulla. In this context, the thin ascending limb of loop of Henle would be included. Loop of Henle -Connects the proximal and distal tubules -Consists of a descending and ascending limb -Found in the renal medulla -Juxtamedullary loops are 20% longer than cortical Why is the descending limb also known as the concentrating segment? Hint: Descending limb of loop of Henle is permeable to water but impermeable to electrolytes. This is not accomplished, however, by the same process that occurs in the proximal tubule.Instead, Na+ diffuses from the filtrate into the cells of the thick portion of the ascending limb, accompanied by the secondary active transport of K+ and Cl-. The descending limb of the loop of Henle ________. This region is impermeable to the salts or ions. Thick ascending limb is totally impermeable to water. The descending limb and ascending limb are permeable to which of the following, respectively? In the kidney, the loop of Henle is the portion of the nephron that leads from the proximal convoluted tubule to the distal convoluted tubule. Loop of Henle: The thin descending limb of the loop of Henle is highly permeable to ___ water ____ but not to __ solutes _____. The descending portion of the loop of Henle is extremely permeable to water and is less permeable to ions, therefore water is easily reabsorbed here and solutes are not readily reabsorbed. DocAbroad said: The loop of Henle is responsible for concentrating urine through the countercurrent multiplier. The descending limb is permeable to water and has no Na pumps or transporters. The cells here are permeable to water and thus the salt and urea concentration rises within the . While ascending limb of loop of Henle is impermeable to water and permeable to electrolytes. . The main function of this structure is to reabsorb water and ions from the urine. A) thick segment is permeable to water but impermeable to sodium and chloride ions. Fluid entering the descending limb of the loop of Henle is isotonic with plasma (∼290mosmol/kg H2O). Report 6 years ago. Similar to the ascending loop of Henle, the descending loop of Henle also has two segments, which are thin and thick. The __ tight junction _____ permit the movement of water between the cells. To do this, it uses a countercurrent . The descending limb is permeable to water and the reabsorption of the water takes place which concentrates the filtrate. Descending limb of loop of Henle is permeable to water but impermeable to electrolytes while ascending limb . Additional images Vasa recta run around both ascending and descending loop of Henle. As urine descends into the medulla, the high interstitial solute concentration osmotically draws water from the descending limb and concentrates salt within the lumen. As the limb is permeable to water it leaves the tubule via osmosis. The ascending limb of the Loop of Henle is permeable to____________while the descending limb is permeable to_______________. In the ascending limb of the nephron loop (loop of Henle), the: asked Jul 27, 2018 in Anatomy & Physiology by kateranzweiler. Henle, which are thin and thick ascending limb of loop of Henle is water permeable, so water! Structure is to reabsorb water and thus the salt and urea concentration within. One K lined by a simple squamous epithelium while the thick segment is simple squamous descending. D. descending limb, Na+ and Clions exit through ion channels present in the renal medulla, thick. Reabsorb water and impermeable to water and permeable to water but impermeable to water but impermeable to.. 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