what does conf mean in basketball

d. detrusor muscle contraction. Which muscle is a prime mover of arm adduction? Which of the following statements about muscles of the elbow joint is true? Such injuries often occur during a match. Psoas major is a postural muscle as . The highlighted muscle originates from which bine? The infraspinatus muscle is included in the __________ muscles. The biceps brachii is a two-headed fusiform muscle. Adductor Brevis Adductor Magnus Adductor Longus Pectineus Score: 1 of 1 2. Name the 1. The muscle is Brachioradialis. Isometric hip press Lie on your back with a couple of pillows under your knees, legs hip width apart. What is an action of the highlighted muscle? This quiz has tags. The soleus muscle shares an insertion with the __________. It originates from the transverse processes of all of the lumbar vertebrae, the anterolateral surfaces of the bodies of T12-L5 vertebrae and the interposed intervertebral discs. The smallest of the posterior extensors of the elbow joint is the __________. 1/2. Which muscle has a unipennate arrangement of fascicles? pregnant woman in substantial pain called her doctor and explained (between sobs) that she was about to have her baby right away. The doctor calmed her and asked how she had come to that conclusion. It has two heads of origin: a long head and short head. A prime mover or __________ produces a particular type of movement. The flexor hallucis longus muscle originates from the __________. Gluteus medius is a fan-shaped muscle which lies deep to the gluteus maximus. The primary action of muscle on the medial compartment of the thigh is ________. Which NERVE potential travels the longer distance in a typical sensation? We review their content and use your feedback to keep the quality high. The thigh has three sets of muscles: Hamstring muscles: Located in the back of the thigh to extend and flex the leg. adducts the thigh laterally rotates the thigh abducts the thigh extends the thigh TH On to what common structure do both heads of the highlighted muscle insert? However, generally speaking, hip-hinge exercises activate your gluteus maximus, hamstrings, and adductor magnus because these are the muscles involved in hip extension (Figure 2). Origin: anterior/lateral surface of the femur. Which of the following is a large, deep muscle that protracts the scapula during punching? They noticed her right leg was abducted and she was complaining of pain in her right leg and hip. The highlighted muscle _______ the thigh at the hip. It originates in the fascia of the upper chest. Anatomy and Physiology questions and answers, What is an action of the highlighted muscle at the hip? Name the highlighted muscle. The quadriceps muscles and hamstring muscles work together to straighten (extend) and bend (flex) the leg. The highlighted muscle inserts and originates on what common structure of the vertebrae? The prime mover of hip extension is the __________. subcostalis umbilicus external oblique adduction of thigh at hip extension of vertebral column Orotation of cervical vertebrae flexion of vertebral column LT-VA16 Life-size Muscle Torso, 27-part, 30 Sec. This muscle is named for the direction of its fibers. Iliacus: The iliacus muscle is a large, fan-shaped muscle which lines the interior of the pelvis. The subscapularis muscle inserts on the __________. Repeat a sufficient number of times to reach 2 minutes in total. The vastus intermedius __________ the leg at the knee. internal oblique Drag the labels onto the diagram to identify the superficial and deep muscles of the pelvic floor. The posterior axial muscle that crosses the glenohumeral joint is the __________. Describe the specific roles of helper, cytotoxic, and regulatory T cells in cell-mediated immunity. Deltoid Identify the muscles of respiration that are highlighted and indicated by leader lines. a. the lateral epicondyle of the humerus b. the medial epicondyle of the humerus c. the carpal bones of the wrist d. the deltoid tuberosity of the humerus, Which of the following is a major tissue type in the body? The gluteus medius muscle helps abducts the thigh along with the gluteus maximus, but can rotate the thigh inward where the gluteus maximus rotates the thigh outward. What is the action of the muscle identified by the letter A? Onto which structure does the highlighted muscle insert? The quadriceps and hamstring muscles work together to straighten (extend) and bend (flex) the leg. Always look for origins and insertions and picture what would happen if the muscle contracted. This muscle is the most anterior and medial of all four anterior leg muscles. The medial muscles of the hip joint that insert on the linea aspera are the __________. The origin of the Sartorius muscle is from the __________ spine. ischiocavernosus, bulbospongiosus, superficial transverse perineal, external urethral sphincter, pubococcygeus, coccygeus The action that moves the scapula towards the head is called __________. View Test Prep - Hip & leg week 8 quiz #4 from BIO 100 at Brigham Young University. It is part of the lower limb. What is a Thigh/Hip Strain? The infraspinatus inserts on the ____________ of the humerus. What is an action of the highlighted muscle at the hip? The proximal end participates in the hip joint, while the distal end takes part in the knee joint. Why or why not? The thigh has three sets of strong muscles: the hamstring muscles in the back of the thigh, the quadriceps muscles in the front, and the adductor muscles on the inside. David N. Shier, Jackie L. Butler, Ricki Lewis, What is the origin of the wrist flexors? She activated her medical lifeline and the emergency medical team arrived at the scene. SYMPTOMS A hip muscle strain causes pain and tenderness in the injured area. Of the nine muscles that cross the shoulder joint and insert on the humerus, which muscle is considered to be a prime mover? The soleus and the gastrocnemius share an insertion on the __________. A variety of hip muscles surround the hip joint, and act to accelerate, decelerate, and stabilize the hip joint. Name the origin (s) and insertion (s) of the highlighted structure. Which of the following involves skeletal muscle? It originates from the proximal portion of the leg, precisely, from the lateral tibial condyle and proximal half of the tibial shaft, in addition to the adjacent portion of the interosseous membrane. A. latissimus dorsi B. internal intercostal C. external intercostal D. serratus anterior external intercostal The biceps femoris is located in the anterior compartment of the thigh. What is hypothermia, and how does it kill? (a) serratus anterior, (b) rhomboids, (c) levator scapulae, (d) subscapularis. From which two bones does the highlighted muscle indirectly originate? Attachments: Originates from the pelvis and the base of the spine, combining with the psoas major to attach to the femur. external oblique costal cartilages of ribs 1-5 spinous processes mastoid process Onto which structure of the temporal bone does the highlighted muscle insert? All fibers of the pectoralis major muscle converge on the lateral edge of the__________. This two-headed muscle bulges when the forearm is flexed. A strain of the thigh/hip is a stretching or tearing of a muscle and is commonly referred to as a "pulled muscle." A thigh strain can involve the quadriceps muscles in the front of the thigh or the hamstring muscles on the back of the thigh. Real Anatomy Lower Limb Muscle Actions 1) List the action of the highlighted muscle. The pectoralis minor muscle is innervated by the __________. The tendon of the long head helps to stabilize the shoulder joint. Transcribed image text: What is an action of the highlighted muscle? D. The serratus anterior can be used to violently pull the scapula laterally and thus pull the shoulder forward, adding strength to a horizontal punch. She said that her water had broken and that her husband could see the babys head. Which muscle helps a person to cross a leg when seated (place one's lateral ankle on the opposite knee)? grblhal estop LIVE DIFFERENTLY. what is an action of the highlighted muscle? It is interesting that this muscle is missing in just over 10% of humans. If so, what stage of labor was she in? Which muscle is an antagonist to the biceps brachii muscle? The tensor fascia latae is involved in hip __________. Strained Muscles One common cause of hip and groin pain is a strain or tear of one or several muscles. W . DIAGNOSIS Which muscle originates on the pubic crest and symphysis and inserts on the xiphoid process and costal cartilages of ribs V through VII? The insertion of the extensor digitorum branches into __________. Name the highlighted muscle. (a) Was she right to believe that birth was imminent? Actions: Flexing of the thigh at the hip joint. You'll get a detailed solution from a subject matter expert that helps you learn core concepts. b) Rectus femoris lies superficial to it. plantaris, gastrocnemius, soleus, calcaneal tendon, Muscles of the foot (superior view, 1 of 2), Superior extensor retinaculum, lateral malleolus fibula, inferior extensor retinaculum, tendons of extensor digitorum longus, dorsal interossei, tendons of extensor digitorum brevis, Art-labeling Activity: Figure 13.2 (1 of 4), Trapezius, Deltoid, Triceps Brachii, Pronator teres, Brachioradialis, Biceps Brachii, Art-labeling Activity: Figure 13.2 (2 of 4), Platysma, Pectoralis Major, Intercostals, Sternohyoid, Sternocleidomastoid, Pec minor, Serratis amterior. Which structure is indicated by the arrow? Brachioradialis and sternocleidomastoid are named for ________. Functions may be used more than once. What is an action of the highlighted muscle? The below the gluteus medius are several muscles, one of which is the gluteus minimus, the smallest of the gluteal muscles. The tensor fascia lata is a thick, squarish muscle in the superior aspect of the lateral thigh.It acts as a synergist of the gluteus medius and iliopsoas in flexing and abducting the thigh. (Name the action). If all three are activated, the arm is abducted at the shoulder. what is anterograde transport and what protein is used. What is an action of the highlighted muscle at the hip? Which of the following muscles is not part of the shoulder? The extensor hallucis longus muscle inserts on digit __________. The soleus muscle __________ the foot at the ankle and is innervated by the __________. Which of the following letters represents the sartorius muscle? What neurotransmitter will result in constriction of the pupil? Match the cranial nerve with its function(s). Pelvic floor muscles that are located wholly within the pelvis. What is an action of the highlighted muscle? a. Rectus femoris, b. Biceps femoris, c. Vastus lateralis, d. Semitendinosus,. Identify the highlighted head of the triceps brachii muscle. Insertion: tibial tuberosity via the quad tendon, and the patella via the patellar ligament. The deltoid muscle has three sets of fibers. Psoas major is a thick and powerful muscle situated on the posterior abdominal wall, lateral to the vertebral column. David N. Shier, Jackie L. Butler, Ricki Lewis, Human Anatomy and Physiology Laboratory Manual, Cat Version, Elaine N. Marieb, Lori A. Smith, Susan J. Mitchell, Andrew Russo, Cinnamon VanPutte, Jennifer Regan, Rod Seeley, Langerhans cells are commonly found in the ________. Like the gluteus minimus, gluteus medius is innervated by the superior gluteal nerve (L4, S1) . a. norepinephrine b. acetylcholine c. epinephrine d. serotonin. elevation From which two bones does the highlighted muscle indirectly originate? The thigh has three sets of strong muscles: the hamstring muscles in the back of the thigh, the quadriceps muscles in the front, and the adductor (groin) muscles on the inside. Explanation, Option A Highlighted muscle is the deltoid muscle. -Diaphragm -External Intercostal Muscle and Membrane -Internal Intercostal The anterior axial muscle that crosses the glenohumeral joint is the pectoralis major muscle. Surgery was done to repair the hip. Eversion of the foot is a function of the __________. Quadriceps muscles: Located in the front of the thigh to extend and flex the leg. The highlighted muscle inserts on to which bone? At 35% of all soccer players' injuries, hip and thigh muscle injuries are the most common reason for missing a game (3). Why does TH require plasma proteins in order to move through blood? adduction of thigh at hip extension of vertebral column Orotation of cervical vertebrae flexion of vertebral column LT-VA16 Life-size Muscle Torso, 27-part, 30 Sec Synonyms: Anterior tibialis. Your grandmother is now recuperating and having physical therapy treatment daily. The insertion of the teres minor is on the __________. 1. This muscle originates on the zygomatic arch and inserts at the angle and ramus of the mandible. Neither muscle extends the hip. tibialis posterior fibularis longus popliteus Transcribed image text: Part A The highlighted muscle Rectus femoris 11 the thigh at the hip. It is inserted into the femur on the greate View the full answer The two heads of the biceps brachii muscle come together distally to insert on the __________. How does streptococcus pneumoniae evade phagocytosis? a. binds actin filaments, causing them to slide b. diffuses across a synaptic cleft from a neuron to a muscle cell c. transports ATP across the synaptic cleft d. breaks down acetylcholine at the synapse. Muscles that attach from the pelvis to the thigh/leg and cross the hip joint. Both the Psoas major muscle and iliacus muscle insert on the __________. It is a synergist for the gluteus medius. What is an action of the highlighted muscle at the hip? Which movement is not associated with the scapula? It has two heads of origin: a long head and short head. Name the c. ureteral peristalsis. Like the deltoid muscle that lies over and abducts the shoulder, these two muscles lie over the hip and are prime movers of hip abduction. Anatomy. The prime mover of wrist extension is the __________. List the major buffer systems of the body. Tie a belt around your knees. Origin- lateral supracondylar ridge of View the full answer Transcribed image text: The highlighted muscle originates from which bone? Sartorius muscle flexes, abducts, and laterally rotates thigh at the hip joint; flexes knee joint. Which letter represents the biceps brachii muscle? Ashley Elisabeth Wagner (born May 16, 1991) is an American former figure skater.She is the 2016 World silver medalist, a 2014 Olympic bronze medalist in the team event, the 2012 Four Continents champion, a three-time Grand Prix Final medalist, winner of five Grand Prix events (2012 and 2016 Skate America; 2012 and 2013 Trophe ric Bompard; 2015 Skate Canada), and a three-time U.S. national . More : The highlighted muscle in the back of the thigh is the biceps femoris muscle. the location of their origin and insertion. a. contraction of the internal urethral sphincter. Adductor muscles: Located on the inside of the thigh to pull the legs together. It also helps stabilize the lateral aspect of the knee by pulling on the iliotibial tract (band), making it taut.Deep to the gluteus maximus, the piriformis, obturator internus, obturator externus, superior . It is the __________. iliopsoas vastus lateral Where are the receptors for TSH located? serratus anterior, external oblique, tendinous inscription, rectus abdominis, linea alba, internal intercostal, external intercostal, internal oblique, external oblique, cut edge of rectus sheath. 2003-2022 Chegg Inc. All rights reserved. Experts are tested by Chegg as specialists in their subject area. Key concepts: Flexor Digitorum Superficialis Flexor Carpi Radialis Wrist Terms in this set (104) Frontalis What is the highlighted muscle? Impingement pain is a rare cause of hip pain mostly seen in patients with total hip replacement and proximal femoral osteotomy related. There is a printable worksheet available for download here so you can take the quiz with pen and paper. Strains often occur due to overuse. The iliacus and psoas major comprise the iliopsoas group. The posterior muscle group is made up of the muscles that extend (straighten) the thigh at the hip. The action that moves the scapula towards the head is called __________. B. b. contraction of the external urethral sphincter. extension of leg at knee adduction of thigh at hip abduction of thigh at hip flexion of leg at knee flexion of leg at knee Which muscle is highlighted? a) Vastus intermedius. LTM11 Deluxe Musevior Arm..part, Scientific Identify the highlighted muscle. 2. This is an online quiz called Muscles of hip thigh. Whether other muscles are activated depends on whether . The adductor muscles pull the legs together. Direct trauma is about 2% of the reasons for a muscle injury. Drag the correct label to the appropriate location on the oblique and rectus muscles. What stimulates thyroid gland to secrete its hormones? B. View the full answer. View Test Prep - Hip & leg week 8 quiz #2 from BIO 100 at Brigham Young University. Adductor Longus Pectineus Gracilis Adductor Magnus Score: 0 of 1 2. The tibialis posterior muscle originates at which three locations? It is responsible for closing the jaw. 1) This muscle is gluteus Maximus . Every year dozens of elderly people are found dead in their unheated apartments-victims of hypothermia. Real Anatomy Lower Limb Muscle Actions 1) List the action of the highlighted muscle. It is an extremely important muscle for walking. Explain the effect of the following solutions on living cells: hypertonic, hypotonic, and isotonic. Onto what common structure do both heads of the highlighted muscle insert? Other symptoms may include an increased pain while using the injured muscle, swelling, limited range of motion, and muscle weakness. a. epithelial b. connective c. muscle d. all of the above. This bone is very thick and strong and makes a ball and socket joint at the hip, and a hinge joint at the knee. False This muscle originates on the zygomatic arch and inserts at the angle and ramus of the mandible. The adductor muscles pull the legs together. Without lateral rotation of the humerus by the teres minor and infraspinatus muscles, the maximum angle of abduction by the deltoid would be __________. The tensor fasciae latae stabilizes the hip joint and the __________ joint. Further x-rays revealed a reduced bone mass in her right hip, femur, and vertebrae. when assessing the head, which sinuses are palpable? ) It also bends the trunk at the hip as well as laterally. The masseter is innervated by the _____________ branch of the trigeminal nerve. adducts the thigh laterally rotates the thigh abducts the thigh extends the thigh TH What is an action of the highlighted muscle? What does smooth muscle contain instead of troponin. closes eyes Which of these thigh muscles causes movement at the hip joint? . Your 80-year-old grandmother, Tess, while putting dishes up on a shelf, fell off a step stool and was unable to get up. The shaft of the femur features origin and insertion attachments for many lower extremity muscles. The muscle that generates the most power during elbow flexion is the __________. This pair of muscles includes the prime mover of inspiration, and its synergist. (b) Do you think she had time to make it to the hospital 60 miles away? Which muscle is the prime mover of arm abduction (assuming all fibers are used)? Palmaris longus originates from which bone? manubrium or clavicle or sternum Name one bone on which the highlighted muscle originates zygomatic major Epicranius (frontal belly) Masseter mandible and maxilla From which two bones does the highlighted muscle indirectly originate? Femur anatomy Now we've come to the largest bone of the human body, the almighty femur. Muscles of the wrist and hand (anterior view, 1 of 2)Right Hand, anterior (palmar)view, lumbricals, palmar interosseus, abductor digiti minimi, flexor digiti minimi brevis, opponens digiti minimi, palmaris brevis cut, tendons of flexor digitorum, adductor pollicis, flexor pollicis brevis, opponens pollicis, abductor pollicis brevis. abduction of arm at shoulder O rotation of forearms at elbow adduction of arm at shoulder . copper highlights on short black hair; upper iowa university; script player launch; fha case number cancellation reasons; his authority was so great that his word was taken on any subject be it politics or love; progressive insurance number id; vandyke software securecrt and securefx; uasset gui This is the pectoralis major muscle, which is a prime mover of arm flexion, rotates arm medially, and adducts arm. extensor digitorum longus and fibularis tertius. Muscle of thigh -Hip abduction:adduction muscles 54,836 views Mar 9, 2016 667 Dislike Share Save Carla Sweet 9.36K subscribers Muscles discussed:Tensor fasciae latae,Gluteus medius, Gluteus. Which muscle tenses the skin of the neck and assists in depression of the mandible? About 21 muscles cross the hip, providing both tri-planar movement and stability between the femur and the acetabulum. obturator internus gluteus medius quadratus femoris piriformis piriformis Which muscle is highlighted? C. The extensor digitorum longus inserts into only one side of the tendon, giving it a unipennate arrangement. a. stratum spinosum b. stratum corneum c. stratum granulosum d. stratum basale. It gets View the full answer Transcribed image text: LT-VA16. 3. A strain often occurs in these following areas: In the hip flexors near the anterior groin area In the muscles found in the inner groin In hip flexors that run along the anterior groin What are the main functions of progesterone? They are: Muscles that attach from the pelvis to the trunk and cross the lumbosacral joint. A. FLEXES THE HIP Explanation: The highlighted muscle is a psoas muscle, which is in charge. Expert Answer 100% (1 rating) Answers - 1. View the full answer. This muscle allows you to stand on tiptoe when the knee is extended, and it flexes the knee when the foot is dorsiflexed. medial surfaces of the maxilla and the zygomatic arch as well as the inferior border of the zygomatic arch. Thigh Muscles: The thigh is the area between the hip and the knee joint. 100% (1 rating) RECTUS FEMORIS: The rectus femoris is located superficially on the middle of the anterior thigh extending between ili . The hip flexor muscles are a group of muscles situated near the top of your thighs that allow you to lift your knee toward your chest, squat, and bend forward at the hip. Figure 9-7. What is an action of the highlighted muscle? The prime mover of elbow extension is the __________. Which movement results after the contraction of the serratus anterior muscle? Anatomy. What is an action of the highlighted muscle? Study the below picture. orbicularis oris Temporalis zygomatic major Deltoid Muscles of mastication (head and neck) ch4 Muscles of the thigh divided into three compartment- Anterior Compartment What is an action of the highlighted muscle at the hip? The middle fibers of the deltoid muscle __________. What is an action of the highlighted muscle? Explain why a GFR of 125 milliters per minute tells us that the body reabsorbs most of the glomerular filtrate. David N. Shier, Jackie L. Butler, Ricki Lewis, Human Anatomy and Physiology Laboratory Manual, Main Version. A. Muscle activation in hip-hinge exercises is a little complicated because the group of exercises is so diverse. Which is thought to be disabled in AIDS? Muscles of facial expression differ from most skeletal muscles because they usually do NOT insert into a bone. About this Quiz. Name one bone on which the highlighted muscle originates. BIO 233 Lab Unit IIA detailed description of the muscles of the hip and thigh. Anatomy and Physiology: The Unity of Form and Function, David N. Shier, Jackie L. Butler, Ricki Lewis, Elizabeth Pennefather-O'Brien, Michael McKinley, Valerie O'Loughlin. View Test Prep - Hip & leg week 8 quiz #1 from BIO 100 at Brigham Young University. elevation of eye brown What is an action of this muscle? The anterior muscles of the thigh that originate on the os coxae are __________. A. 1. ANSWER1 Option A is the correct answer for this question. gluteus Maximus is originated from lateral part of the ileum in between the anterior and inferior gluteal lines . Descriptions: The highlighted muscle in the back of the thigh is the biceps femoris muscle. The muscle passes inferiorly towards the pelvic brim. Click on the tags below to find other quizzes on the same subject. Anatomy. Which muscle is highlighted? What is the center point of the perineum. The deltoid muscle fibers are separated into __________. 1. Previous question Next question On to which structure does the highlighted muscle insert? What is an action of the highlighted muscle? flexes leg at the knee abducts thigh at the hip flexes thigh at the hip extends thigh at the hip flexes thigh at the hip Which muscle is highlighted? The single bone in the thigh region is called the femur. Which muscle is known as the "boxer's muscle" for its ability to move the arm horizontally, as in throwing a punch? ischiocavernosus, bulbospongiosus, superficial transverse perineal, external urethral sphincter, pubococcygeus, coccygeus. The biceps femoris is located in the anterior compartment of the thigh. Which muscles are highlighted? flexor hallucis longus popliteus tibialis posterior flexor digitorum longus flexor digitorum longus Which muscle is highlighted? Orbicularis oculi What muscle is highlighted? Which of the following muscles assists during extension of the glenohumeral joint, but is not as a prime mover? Drag the labels onto the diagram to identify the superficial and deep muscles of the pelvic floor. It abducts and medially rotates the thigh and steadies the pelvis. The most common cause of sciatic nerve compression are piriformis muscle (67.8%), sciatic foramen (6%), ischial tunnel (4.7%), However it can be of different conditions with similar and overlapping symptoms. The most powerful movement at the ankle joint is __________, and the ________ is one of the prime movers of this movement. Wrist abduction occurs through the actions of __________ muscles. It originates between the anterior and posterior gluteal lines and converges towards the femur with the gluteus minimus muscle to insert on the greater trochanter. What are the structures and organization of the respiratory system. The platysma muscle tenses the neck skin and aids in depressing the mandible. Internal Intercostals internal oblique elevation of ribs What is an action of the highlighted muscle? Hip flexion is controlled by the iliopsoas set of muscles (iliacus and psoas major). The highlighted muscle originates from which bone? e. all of the above. The masseter muscle originates on the __________. D. The triceps brachii muscle extends the forearm, while the biceps brachii flexes it, making them antagonistic. Psoas major controls flexion and lateral rotation of the thigh at the hip. adductor magnus, adductor brevis, and adductor longus. (1) olfactory nerve (2) optic nerve (3) oculomotor nerve (4) trochlear nerve (5) trigeminal nerve (6) abducens nerve (7) facial nerve (8) vestibulocochlear nerve (9) glossopharyngeal nerve (10) vagus nerve (11) accessory nerve (12) hypoglossal nerve A. conducts impulses to muscles used in swallowing B. conducts impulses to muscles that move the tongue C. conducts impulses to muscles that move the eyes D. conducts impulses to viscera E. conducts impulses to muscles of facial expression F. conducts impulses to muscles of neck G. conducts impulses associated with hearing H. conducts impulses to muscles that raise eyelids I. conducts impulses associated with sense of smell J. conducts impulses from upper and lower teeth K. conducts impulses associated with vision. This name reveals the number of the muscle's origins. These muscles include the gluteus maximus muscle (the largest muscle in the body) and the hamstrings group, which consists of the biceps femoris, semimembranosus, and semitendinosus muscles. C. This muscle inserts into the fascia of the palm and acts to tense the skin and fascia of the palm during hand movement. Describe the unilateral action of the highlighted muscle. Muscles that act on the __________ cause movement at the hip, knee, and foot joints. (Name the action.) The Deltoid - actions are the following; shoulder abduction, flexion, and extension as stated above 2) List the action of the highlighted muscle. Abnormal performance of the hip muscles may alter the distribution of forces across the joint articular surfaces . The flexor hallucis longus muscle originates on the __________. The femur is a long bone, with a proximal end, a shaft, and a distal end.

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