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status of poverty and environmental degradation around the world The section discusses some common definitions used in defining poverty and environmental degradation and provides some guidelines for the definitions to be used in this study. The project is structured into three interlinked components: • Participatory assessment and monitoring system for pastoral areas comprising of . 5. The major causes of land degradation in Ethiopia are the rapid population increase, severe soil loss, deforestation, low vegetative cover and unbalanced crop and livestock production. Land degradation and desertification can affect human health through complex pathways. 4) Pollution of water resources from the contamination of soil through which water sweeps into ground or runoff to the water bodies. Land is a vital resource to humankind, like air and water. As the latest report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC . PDF. In a region where inhabitants depend upon natural resources for their livelihoods, degradation of such resources is a serious threat to the sustainability of a subsistence life style. Land degradation is not only the erosion of soil but also the alteration of the land's surface because of the impact of water, wind and human activity. . Ultimately, land degradation and land rehabilitation are human processes that reflect the ways in which human societies use and value the land that feeds them. In . June 4, 2014 UsefulResearchPapers Research Proposals 0. Identify and reach out to stakeholders and partners, ensuring gender-balanced representation, perspectives and expertise. Recent estimates using satellite imagery show that land degradation hotspots over…. iv benefits (in terms of international waters, carbon sequestration and biodiversity), the main conclusions from the meeting were: • The LADA PDF and full project concept were well focused. annual costs of land degradation in Ethiopia range from 2 to 3% of agricultural GDP (FAO, 2010). To address this threat effectively, we will need to shift our focus away from land as the main problem towards land as a key part of the solution. The purpose of this paper is to assess the extent of land degradation in Ethiopia, review its causes, take stock of past attempts to remedy the problems, and suggest appropriate fiture investment prorities. Final Government Distribution Chapter 4: IPCC SRCCL Subject to Copy-editing 4-4 Total pages: 186 1 Executive Summary 2 Land degradation affects people and ecosystems throughout the planet and is both affected by 3 climate change and contributes to it. Poverty-Environment Initiative (PEI), Phase 1 Project, the overall objective of this study is to develop a framework to assess the impact of land degradation and . to land degradation. Land degradation is a global issue, with serious implications worldwide on biodiversity, eco-safety, poverty eradication, socio-economic stability and sustainable development. 2) Less vegetation cover 3) Changes in the characteristic of soil. spatial variation of soil degradation. in soil and water. Sub . Different perception by different groups of people can then be . Land degradation is the reduction of the useful qualities and productiveness of soil because of the natural and anthropogenic factors. L.-re as a process that lowers the productvity of the land, assuming 67. The condition of the soil is one of the best indicators of land degradation. Inappropriate land-use systems and land-tenure policies enhance desertification and Indeed, land degradation is a threat to human security. They are capable of producing very high yield crops such as wheat, barely, cotton, sugar beet and soybeans. FAO (2002) Land Degradation Assessment in Drylands (LADA) Project: Meeting Report, 23-25 January 2002 (World Soil Resources Reports) FAO, 2006 - Net rate of forest loss in Africa second highest . The major causes of land degradation in Ethiopia are the rapid population increase, severe soil loss, deforestation, low vegetative cover and unbalanced crop and livestock production. The techniques typically involve local people in the identification of an issue such as land degradation. Investment opportunities must be land-based projects that can avoid, reduce or reverse land degradation, while producing financial returns. Full PDF Package Download Full PDF Package. Introduction The soil erosion, caused primarily by water and wind, is one of the major contributors to the land degradation. development, input and credit supplies, land tenure, agricultural research and extension, conservation programmes, land use regulation, local governance and collective action, and non-governmental programmes. These social and environmental processes are stressing the world's arable lands and pastures essential for the provision of food and water and quality air. Nigussie et al.,2015, reviewed and compiled soil loss rates caused by sheet and rill erosion at plot and catchment scales and indicated that this soil degradation process varies strongly spatially, with a mean soil loss 29.9 t /ha/ yr (SD = 30.2 t/ ha/ yr, n = 25). Table 3.1: Cause of land degradation on HHs farm land . Poverty affects a large percentage of Malawi's population. Aims, approach and methodology 36 3.1. Almost all estimates of cost relate to the loss of soil and of nutrients from agricultural or grazing lands. Identification of the cause of land degradation is important in return influence the sustainability of the life and helps to take appropriate measurement to halt it . The main recommendation of the project is to streamline and implement the sub-national inventories worldwide to obtain a reliable baseline for impact assessment of land degradation and sustainable management. It leads to a temporary or permanent decline in the productive capacity of the land. Handbook for the Field Assessment of Land DegradationMichael A Stocking and Niamh Murnaghan. Land degradation and desertification are some of the greatest environmental challenges in today's world. Land degradation, like climate change, is an anthropogenic-induced process and poses biggest threat to sustainable livelihood security of the farming communities across the country. Literature review 40 3.2. 3 | P a g e 1.0 Background and Problem statement Maracha District is a new District that fully developed established in 2010 from Arua District with a size of 441.0km2 2and land under cultivation is 365.1km , land under wet land is 10.6km2 and Land under forestry 33.5km2 all this is according to survey sponsored by UBOS at the District production department in 2011. Land degradation affects everyone Rather site reclamation should be progressive such that rate of restoration is more or less The LADA project has developed tools and methods for land degradation assessment and built capacity at national, regional and international levels to analyse, design, plan and implement interventions to mitigate land degradation, and identify, establish and support sustainable land-use and land In the LADA partner countries, this screening will be followed up by field investigations to establish the situation on the ground. Land degradation means: 1) Loss of natural fertility of soil because of loss of nutrients. 4) Pollution of water resources from the contamination of soil through which water sweeps into ground or runoff to the water bodies. The links between land degradation, well-being and livelihoods, and an enabling environment for land degradation neutrality 26 2.1. Malawi, a small country located in southern Africa, is heavily experiencing the negative effects of deforestation: severe land degradation. that contribute to land degradation and women's and men's varied roles, rights and duties regarding land, productive and natural resources, and how the project interventions might affect them differently. Cause of land degradation . (i.e., land managed for production - e.g., agriculture, forestry; for conservation - e.g., protected areas; and also land occupied by human settlements and infra-structure); and all types of land degradation, across the wide variety of countries' circumstances, so that it can be implemented in a harmonized fashion by all coun - Recognising cause and effect and targeting the cause; 2. 3 Soil erosion and agricultural land degradation at the farm level Due to their volcanic origin and vertisolic nature the soils of Moghaan are the most fertile among the subproject areas (UNDP-Irrigation Improvement Proj 1993). • Methodologies of land degradation assessment should cover social and economic as well as direct biophysical causes through ensuring a balanced analysis of ecological and economic Considering the nature and causes ofland degradation in the region, policy, institu­ 2.1. View 3 excerpts, cites background. Land degradation is a serious and growing global issue resulting in losses to Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and local livelihoods, food insecurity, climate change and biodiversity . GLADA), the latter including more biophysical elements such as water, vegetation, animals and men. inventory of land degradation and sustainable land management. The LADA project has prepared guidelines and manuals to describe land degradation and sustainable land management at different levels and at appropriate scales and has tested them in six countries around the globe. Projects should meet all the criteria listed below: a. The process involved reviewing project implementation reports, assessing trends in projects financed under op12 and op15, and going on learning missions to selected projects. The main recommendation of the project is to streamline and implement the sub-national inventories worldwide to obtain a reliable baseline for impact assessment of land degradation and sustainable management. 2016. 2. Degradation occurs when earth's natural resources are depleted. • To provide project developers with clear guidance in designing Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN) transformative projects, while avoiding to be prescriptive; • To define the key features of LDN transformative projects based on the Scientific Conceptual Framework for LDN (LDN-SCF)1; What then is land degradation? The highest rates were observed in Combating desertification, drought, and various forms of land degradation are among the priorities being addressed Land Degradation Neutrality Stakeholder Survey 41 3.3. Monitoring. The term land degradation involves both soil and vegetation degradation. Land degradation is a serious global problem that is grossly impacting developing countries. I was also pleased to note that even be-fore this convergence effort among the DA, DENR, DOST, and DAR, a DOST concerned unit, that is, PCARRD, has al-ready been actively involved in related S and T activities. Land Degradation Neutrality Target Setting Initial findings and lessons learned5 1.Introduction Fighting land degradation is important in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and efforts to establish Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN) as a global objective culminated in 2015, when LDN became part of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss" (UN, 2016). In addition to these global and regional studies, there are several studies for individual countries (e.g. 4. The Land Degradation Assessment in Drylands (LADA) project aims to develop assessment tools to collect up-to-date information on the status of land at local, national and global levels. Land degradation results from the interaction of human activity, such as agriculture, with the . Therefore, cutting о forests will affect the soil adversely. The degradation also impacts our wildlife, plants, animals and micro-organisms. Soil degradation is the decline in soil quality caused by its improper use, usually for agricultural, pastoral, industrial or urban purposes. This project is part of the ILRI/IFPRI Research programme of Policies for Sustainable Land Management in Mixed Crop-Livestock Systems in the Highlands of East Africa. for South Africa, Zimbabwe, Russia, Brazil, Colombia) available. There is a pressing need for action to mitigate land degradation. project: 1. The Future We Want, Paragraph 206. It was all about Land Pollution PPT with pdf. Malawi has a population of over 18 million people. Crop production and land degradation... 19 Livestock resources and land degradation . Land Degradation and Improvement uses remote sensing to identify degrading areas and areas where degradation has been arrested or reversed. . Land degradation is a great threat for the future and it requires great effort and resources to ameliorate. It encompasses physical (soil erosion), chemical (salinity and alkalinity, pollution . Land Pollution PDF Download. Impact criteria • Contribution to Land Degradation Neutrality: Projects should demonstrate how they avoid/reduce/reverse land degradation. 2. If you liked it then please share it or if you want to ask anything then please hit comment button. combat land degradation. Findings from this project suggest that land use/cover changes observed across the country could be addressed through adopting Green Economy (GE) where conservation issues will . "Life on Land" is one of the Sustainable Development Goals and it encourages Abstract. Forests are also helpful in binding up of soil particles with the help of roots of vegetation. All you need to do is just click on the download link and get it. But, in the . The participatory approach seeks to involve all groups in the society. Land degradation is an important problem in Ethiopia, with more than 85 % of the land degraded to various degrees. The joint programme of the Land Use and Land Cover Change . 2. , Pages: 4933-4943. These methods rely on participatory approaches, field surveys and remote sensing. Environmental reconstruction, and; 4. of the project. E. Overall project cost is 1,562,000US$, with 600,000US$ from GEF (including 12,500$ PDF A), and 962,000$ from co-finance: 300,000$ from UNDP, 397,000$ parallel co-finance . This obviously leads to land degradation. project, executed by fAo with funding from unep, gef and others, assesses the causes and impacts of Inappropriate use of land and poor ecosystem management have accelerated land degradation and reduced the storage capacity of reservoirs. Deforestation: Forests play an important role in maintaining fertility of soil by shedding their leaves which contain many nutrients. In 2015, the global objective to achieve land degradation neutrality (LDN) was incorporated into the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development as Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) target 15.3: By 2030, combat desertification, restore degraded land and soil, including land affected by desertification, drought . Soil degradation is, in itself, an indicator of land degradation. Land degradation is a process in which the value of the biophysical environment is negatively affected by a combination of human induced process acting upon the land (Lal, 2010). land degradation (LD) and make informed decisions to promote sustainable land management (SLM) in a way that preserves the diverse ecosystem goods and services provided by rangelands and grasslands. inventory of land degradation and sustainable land management. The Sustainable Land Management Project (SLMP) was developed as part of the World Bank's support for the national SLM Program of the government and There are hundreds of examples of interventions to improve land management and prevent or reverse land degradation at the scale of farms,villages,communities,orwatersheds(e.g.,WOCAT,2007).How-ever, our inability to scale technological, institutional, and policy solu- The concept of Land Degradation has evolved over time and its focus shifted from production-oriented to the broader scope of impact on ecosystems. . land degradation (LD) and make informed decisions to promote sustainable land management (SLM) in a way that preserves the diverse ecosystem goods and services provided by rangelands and grasslands. In the third section, a conceptual framework of the environmental degradation-poverty nexus is provided. Land degradation is a major cause of low and declining agricultural productivity, rural poverty, and food insecurity in Ethiopia. 3. PDF-B Project Development Facility-B PIR Project Implementation Review PSC Project Steering . The primary purpose of the research project is to facilitate more effective policy and technological responses to the problems of poverty, low productivity, and land degradation in Cause and effect - target the cause For every effect or symptom of degradation there is an underlying cause. Here we are giving you Land Pollution PPT with PDF. (i.e., land managed for production - e.g., agriculture, forestry; for conservation - e.g., protected areas; and also land occupied by human settlements and infra-structure); and all types of land degradation, across the wide variety of countries' circumstances, so that it can be implemented in a harmonized fashion by all coun - Environmentalists occasionally protest that land degradation is "irreversible". 5) Changes in climatic conditions because of unbalance created in the environment. and land degradation are also occurring. There has also been a shift in focus from soil degradation (such as covered by the GLASOD, ASSOD and SOVEUR projects) to land degradation (e.g. All of these factors combined with increased rate of land degradation are contributing towards decline in Land . Land Degradation Assessment in Drylands project (LADA) will provide more land degradation data in the future. The resources which are affected include water, air and soil. rehabilitation but both land degradation and rehabilitation are driven by social and economic causes. that contribute to land degradation and women's and men's varied roles, rights and duties regarding land, productive and natural resources, and how the project interventions might affect them differently. All colleagues of the then "Mountains Project" of ILRI are all acknowledged, but W/o Genet Delelgne is especially thanked for her keen interest in my carrier development. Land degradation is a great threat for the future and it requires great effort and resources to ameliorate. As land is degraded and deserts expand in some places, food production is reduced, water sources dry up .

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