1979 minnesota gophers football: roster

(CT10). Please support theSecondLook initiative with a donation to ourMichigan MedicineSecondLook Donation Champaign(link is external). We assume that you already have a general knowledge of cell ultrastructure and can recognize the nucleus, mitochondria, cell membranes, endoplasmic reticulum and ribosomes. The basement membrane looks like a pink line at the base of the epithelium, which is rather easily seen in places on this slide. 4. is possible, but highly unlikely. Slide 211(nondistended ureter, human, H&E)View Virtual SlideSlide 19-1, "odd" (distended ureter, rat, H&E)View Virtual SlideSlide 19-2, "even" (non-distended ureter, rat, H&E)View Virtual SlideDuke University Slide 98,(non-distended bladder, H&E)View Virtual Slide(virtual slide courtesy of Duke University). The absence of nuclei in this layer shows that it is devoid of live cells. The mission of Urology , the "Gold Journal," is to provide practical, timely, and relevant clinical and scientific information to physicians and researchers practicing the art of urology worldwide; to promote equity and diversity among authors, reviewers, and editors; to provide a platform for discussion of current ideas in urologic education, patient engagement, Many other autoimmune diseases may also occur. The glass slide sets occasionally contain different stains or even different slides of the same tissue in place of the slide that you have in your set. 319 Thymus - MedullaView Virtual EM Slide Slide 138 20XTonsil palatine H&E View Virtual Slide, Slide 138 40XTonsil palatine H&E View Virtual Slide, Slide 138L tonsil faucial H&E View Virtual Slide. Known for its clear presentation style, single-author voice, and focus on content most relevant to clinical and pre-clinical students, Guyton and Hall Textbook of Medical Physiology, 14th Edition, employs a distinctive format to ensure maximum learning and retention of complex concepts. Smooth muscle is an involuntary muscle that is less structured and more easily altered compared to striated muscles. The spleen has two main functions in the body. [4] The epithelium of the thymus develops first, appearing as two outgrowths, one on either side, of the third pharyngeal pouch. The excitation and contraction are passed on to the next myocytes via intercalated discs and cell-to-cell junctions. Lining Mucosa. Look for solitary nodules in slide 161 (the gastro-duodenal junction). Study this type of epithelium in theesophagus(slide 153)andvagina(slide 250). What is a fiber associated reticular cell? Thus, endothelium is generally identified on the basis of the structure and position of nuclei alone; that is, the nuclei are also often flattened and elongated, and are found lining the lumen of the vessel. Some of the individual fat cells are often broken during tissue preparation, but the overall impression of what the tissue looks like is the important point. As protection against desiccation, it undergoes a process known as cornification or keratinization. Be able to use knowledge about the physical characteristics of collagen and elastin in explaining the functions of tissue where these molecules occur in large quantities (, Be able to recognize different types of connective tissue (. In order to increase the surface area for absorption, the intestinal mucosa is made up of finger-like projections (), covered by a monolayer of epithelial cells, which separates the GALT from the lumen intestine and its contents. The tubules are cut in all different orientations; look for a region toward the middle of the slide where the tubules are cut more or less inlongitudinal sectioninslide 9N-1View Imageorslide 210View Imageand appear as parallel wavy rows (at 4x magnification). Study the typical appearance of microvilli on the apical surface of this cell forming part of the striated or brush border in small intestine. ), Slide 33 (skin, Verhoeff stain)View Virtual Slide, Slide 250-1(vagina, H&E)View Virtual Slide, Slide 250-2(vagina, trichrome)View Virtual Slide. (B). Only some of these cells reach the free surface of the epithelium, where it is generally ciliated and contains goblet cells. Histamine and heparin are found in the more "regular" looking granules (evenly dark and round). Observe the large amount of rough endoplasmic reticulum (ER) in these cells. Note how thin the epithelium is. Be sure you can identify a macrophage and not just a bunch of cells superimposed upon one another. While understanding the light microscopic structure of tissues and organs is important for interpreting pathological change, much of the really interesting biological side of medicine now involves understanding cell structure in more detail. [3] Tumours are generally detected when they cause symptoms, such as a neck mass or affecting nearby structures such as the superior vena cava;[21] detected because of screening in patients with myasthenia gravis, which has a strong association with thymomas and hyperplasia;[3] and detected as an incidental finding on imaging such as chest x-rays. Simple columnar epithelium. Connective tissue. The luminal surface of the intestine is made up of a simple columnar epithelium. The granules are often so dark that they obscure the nucleus., Slide 27 (lymph node, H&E)View Virtual Slide, Slide 28 (lymph node, silver stain)View Virtual Slide. The arteries supplying the thymus are branches of the internal thoracic, and inferior thyroid arteries, with branches from the superior thyroid artery sometimes seen. Correct answer 4. [25] Most often, when symptoms occur it is because of compression of structures near the thymus, such as the superior vena cava or the upper respiratory tract; when lymph nodes are affected it is often in the mediastinum and neck groups. [22] This may also result in temporary remission of any associated autoimmune conditions. Iodine is also necessary for thymus development and activity. Structure. Like the other tissues in the female reproductive system, alterations in circulating hormone levels result in histologically demonstrable changes in the mammary gland. Look in the lamina propria amongst the plasma cells and you will find neutrophilsthat have emigrated from the bloodstream into the tissue space as part of the immune response. 26 Connective Tissue - Dense IrregularView Virtual EM Slide A stratified squamous non-keratinized epithelium lines the oral surface of the lips, cheeks, floor of mouth, and covers the ventral surface of the tongue In slide 114 (human) and 114M (monkey) of the lip, Most of the rounded cells you may see in the submucosa are likely white blood cells (monocytes, macrophages, and occasional neutrophils) that have migrated out into the tissue. T cells are critical to the adaptive immune system, where the body adapts specifically to foreign invaders.The thymus is located in the upper front part of the chest, in the anterior superior mediastinum, behind the sternum, and in front of the Be sure you recognise favourable sections of the nucleas, mitochondria, and rough ER. In the palatine tonsil you can see large follicles and a stratified squamous epithelium. If you are a University of Michigan student enrolled in a histology course at the University of Michigan, please click on the following link and use your Kerberos-password for access to download lecture handouts and the other resources. The Purkinje fibers also contain a central area that stains pale. [12], As the thymus is where T cells develop, congenital problems with the development of the thymus can lead to immunodeficiency, whether because of a problem with the development of the thymus gland, or a problem specific to thymocyte development. The fatty layer beneath the dermis, the subcutaneous connective tissue, is often called thehypodermis or superficial fascia. Thin Skin. In slide 27View Image, a number of efferent lymphatic vesselswith valves can be found in the hilar connective tissue. Hypertrophy has several possible causes, each one leading to a particular pattern or type. [2], The thymocytes and the epithelium of the thymus have different developmental origins. The thymus is largest and most active during the neonatal and pre-adolescent periods. Note the presence of goblet cells, which look like balloons suspended in the epithelium. To leave the thymus, lymphocytes must survive negative selection to enter the thymic medulla. They appear as lines that transverse the muscle fibers perpendicularly when examined with a light microscope. In addition to some fibroblasts and a few delicate collagen fibers, you should see quite a few plasma cellsView Imageamongst the epithelial tubes. Franchesca Druggan BA, MSc These cells secrete mucus; the clear "balloon" in the apical region of each goblet cell is where the stored mucus is located (mucus does not react with H&E stain). 156 Cilia - Cross-sectioned in human trachea View Virtual EM Slide [5] It is made up of two lobes that meet in the upper midline, and stretch from below the thyroid in the neck to as low as the cartilage of the fourth rib. [18] People with APECED develop an autoimmune disease that affects multiple endocrine tissues, with the commonly affected organs being hypothyroidism of the thyroid gland, Addison's disease of the adrenal glands, and candida infection of body surfaces including the inner lining of the mouth and of the nails due to dysfunction of TH17 cells, and symptoms often beginning in childhood. The cells indicated are macrophages, which are derived from hematopoietic progenitors and function primarily in the phagocytosis of cells and debris and antigen processing and presentation. Note also that thebasementmembraneunderlying this particular epithelium is especially prominent.Type IVcollagen, which does not form fibrils, but rather a fine meshwork, is present in all basement membranes. It is significantly weaker in individuals with Marfan syndrome. 29 Tendon - Longitudinal sectionView Virtual EM Slide Slide 27 (lymph node, H&E)View Virtual Slide, Slide 28 (lymph node, silver stain)View Virtual Slide. ), note how a network offine black fibrilsis present in this same tissue following silver staining. It is significantly weaker in individuals with Marfan syndrome. Slide 250which you used to look at stratified squamous non-keratinizing epithelium is also useful for the study of connective tissue (we will also use this slide to study smooth muscle and peripheral ganglia). Arrows change image in sldieshow/animation. Be able to distinguish between type I collagen, type III (reticular) collagen, and elastic fibers when appropriately stained material is presented. The Wheater's Atlas contains an excellent review of cell ultrastructure, as does the Pawlina text. [2] The usual reason for removal is to gain access to the heart for surgery to correct congenital heart defects in the neonatal period. Connective tissue is one of the four primary types of animal tissue, along with epithelial tissue, muscle tissue, and nervous tissue. Under it, you can see connective tissue, which we will study next time. In the lymph node, the cortex is made of primary follicles of resting B cells and secondary follicles with germinal centers. You should be able to recognize a range of nuclear morphologies and be able to identify the cells as fibroblasts. 4. Adrian Rad BSc (Hons) Refer to the diagram at the end of this chapter for the tissue orientation and It is comprised primarily of type I collagen. Where do the plasma cells in the lymph node go? This network acts as a supporting mesh in soft tissues such as liver, bone marrow, and the tissues and organs of the lymphatic system. The cell bodies of most neurons taper off and produce a long, solitary projection known as an axon.The axon is connected to the cell body by the axon hillock.The axon hillock is a portion of the soma that has clusters of microtubules, fine granular substances deep to the plasma membrane and dispersed collections of ribosomes. Note also that there is very little other tissue between tubules, so that you often see two rows of cuboidal epithelia from adjacent tubules back to back. An excellent example of this isslide 40from the trachea (part of the respiratory tract). The bi-lobar thymus is a primary lymphatic In the nucleus, areas of euchromatin and heterochromatin can easily be identified. Mast cells can only be definitively recognized with special stains such asAzure IIandtoluoidine bluethat identify the heparin storage granules (Azure metachromatically stains the heparin purple). Shortcuts: Alt+Click+Drag to create a Zoom-Rectangle. 153 Trachea - ciliated pseudostratified epithelium Respiratory View Virtual EM Slide The glass slide sets occasionally contain different stains or even different slides of the same tissue in place of the slide that you have in your set. They are then picked up by the atrioventricular (AV) node situated above the tricuspid valve in the medial wall of the right atrium. [27] Removal of the thymus in infancy results in often fatal immunodeficiency, because functional T cells have not developed. Compare the morphology of the goblet cells with that of the other cells of the epithelium. Each lobule is made up of a peripheral cortex and an inner medulla. Essentially, the contractile stimuli is propagated from one cell to the next one, resulting in a synchronous contraction of the entire tissue section. Therefore, we feel you should be comfortable with interpreting electron micrographs by the time you complete your histology course, as they are becoming more important in diagnosis and many of the micrographs in your professional literature will be of this sort. The basement membrane looks like a pink line at the base of the epithelium, which is rather easily seen in places on this slide. In this micrograph of loose connective tissue of the tracheal mucosa numerous (labeled) cells of the connective tissue are present. The junctions found in the spinous layer are called desmosomes. Such asynchronous contractions can cause arrhythmias, or disturbances of cardiac rhythm, an example being ventricular fibrillation. T cell help in the spleen occurs in the PALS. Look at slide 141 and observe the histology of thymic involution, which is basically a replacement of lymphatic tissue by fat. Stereologic assessments of the lymphatic vessels demonstrate a rich lymphatic network embedded within the mesenteric connective tissue lattice. Your donation will enable us to update all existingSecondLook resources and to transform them into completely free Progressive Web Applications (PWA), including theSecondLookHistology apps. Slide 105-2 thin skin H&E View Virtual Slide. B lymphocytes, which have the capacity to become plasma cells and secrete immunoglobulins, differentiate in the bone marrow throughout life. Muscle tissue is categorized according to the presence or absence of striations within myocytes and the location of the muscle itself: Skeletal muscle is a voluntary type of muscle that acts upon the skeletal system by pulling on the bones and allowing body movements. [16] The condition is diagnosed by fluorescent in situ hybridization and treated with thymus transplantation. Note the tops of the goblet cells protruding between the cilia. Neutrophils can be identified by their granular cytoplasm and their multilobular, condensed nuclei. Large amounts of rough ER indicate that the cell is active and is producing large amounts of proteins. The combination of histology (80 percent sensitivity) and culture (56 percent sensitivity) of pleural biopsy tissue establishes the diagnosis of tuberculosis in up to 90 percent of patients. The junction shown is a field of GAP JUNCTIONs. Of course, the prognosis for this individual would not be good as he/she would be highly susceptible to infections. The collagen of fibrous supporting tissues, the dermis of the skin, tendon, ligaments and bone istype I collagen, which providestensilestrength. Brown fat is important for thermoregulation in newborns and hibernating mammals. With the low power objective find primary and secondary follicles (follicles with germinal centers, best seen in slide 27 View Image) . It is important to realise that cardiac hypertrophy is a completely different condition compared to myostatin-related muscle hypertrophy. Threads of collagenous tissue fibers together with capillaries are also present between the muscle fibers to provide the tissue with support and a blood supply. It will also benefit the publication of several new topics (Hematology, Pathogen ID, and Gross Anatomy). They are composed of thick and thin filaments. Correct answer 5. Look at them with high power. [13] Further maturation occurs in the peripheral circulation. As you look at this section, you will see a very obvious layer of mucous epithelial cells (PAS also reacts with the carbohydrate-rich mucin). It contains leukocytes cells and is made of fibers which are soluble liquid proteins that form during clotting. The cytoplasm of these macrophages will have a variable appearance but will usually include two or three hyperchromatic spheres that are ingested B lymphocytes that failed to differentiate properly and underwent apoptosis. [4], T cells have distinct T cell receptors. In the lower strata, look for the layer ofspinous cells(the spines look like little lines between cells, and can be difficult to see)View Image; the spines are sites where desmosomes attach the cells to one another. Mature T-lymphocytes may enter circulation via INTRAVASATION into venules in the thymus. There are two subclasses: 1. They also play a crucial role in positive and negative selection of T-cells. One feature of the lymphoid tissue of the tonsil and MALT in general is that its follicles have a "starry sky" appearance. Alt+DoubleClick to zoom fully out. Remember that epithelia line or cover surfaces. This is the lining of the esophagus, where it is no longer necessary to have an outer keratinized layer to protect against desiccation, as it was for skin. An endothelial cell of a high endothelial venule. Keyboard shortcuts: A or Shift to zoom in. Sarcomeres are specific portions of myofibrils located between two Z lines and are responsible for the striated appearance of cardiac tissue. They are derived from mesenchymal progenitor cells. Look for adipose tissue in Slide 30 which is taken from abdominal mesentery (the connective tissue that suspends the viscera within the abdominal cavity). Key facts about the histology of the thymus; Structure: Divided into thymic lobules separated by connective tissue septae. Muscle tissue The numerous plasma cells found in various tissues in the body traveled in the circulation as naive B lymphocytes until they were stimulated to enter the peripheral tissue and differentiate into a plasma cell locally. Tissue macrophages can be found in many different organs. Kenhub. In many sections, portions of a large excretory, lactiferous duct slide 261View Image are present. [4] Fat and connective tissue fills a part of the thymic volume. Development of the vascular system begins in the yolk sac of the embryo with the formation of hemangioblasts, which differentiate into hematopoietic cells and angioblasts, a mesoderm derived precursor of endothelial cells (Development 2011;138:4569, Int J Dev Biol 2011;55:419) Vasculogenesis describes the Voltage gated channels open and calcium ions are released in the sarcoplasm. The empty space within connective tissue is ground substance. [8], The thymus continues to grow after birth reaching the relative maximum size by puberty. [3], The thymus facilitates the maturation of T cells, an important part of the immune system providing cell-mediated immunity. Each lobule is made up of a peripheral cortex and an inner medulla. The wall of the urinary bladder contains 3 layers of somewhat irregularly arranged smooth muscle. The Virtual Histology Laboratory is a project developed by Dr. Lisa Lee at the University of Colorado School of Medicine's Department of Cell and Developmental Biology. Now look at the regionimmediately underneath the intestinal epithelium,which is called thelaminapropriaView Image. This region is also aloose, irregular connective tissuebut can be so extensively infiltrated by white blood cells andplasmacellsthat the supporting fibers and ground substance are obscured.Neutrophilsandmacrophagesare also present and both are discussed below., Slide 40 (trachea, H&E)View Virtual Slide, Look for plasma cells within thelamina propriaofslide29View Image. Slide 36is stained with aldehyde fuchsin and Masson trichrome (Aldehyde Fuchsin, Fe. The spinous layer of stratified squamous epithelium got its name because the desmosomes linking adjacent cells gives them a "spiny" appearance. Their course follows the Z lines of the sarcomeres, resulting in a single T tubule for every sarcomere. There are generally no afferent lymphatic vessels in the thymic cortex because this might allow free antigens to enter the cortex thereby impinging on the positive selection process. Slide 152 (pharynx, H&E)View Virtual Slide, Slide 30 (mesentery, H&E)View Virtual Slide, Slide H2 (fetal thorax, H&E)View Virtual Slide(virtual slide courtesy of Western University). Note the differences in morphology of the cells as they move toward the surface. [14] The subtypes of T cells (CD8 and CD4) were identified by 1975. Correct answer 3. The exposure of lymphocytes to antigens occurs in solitary lymph nodes (follicles), in aggregates of lymph nodes present beneath mucous membranes, and in the spleen. Recently, in 2011, a discrete thymus-like lympho-epithelial structure, termed the thymoid, was discovered in the gills of larval lampreys. ), 2. 63 MacrophageView Virtual EM Slide [21] Hyperplasia and tumours originating form the thymus are associated with other autoimmune diseases such as hypogammaglobulinemia, Graves disease, pure red cell aplasia, pernicious anaemia and dermatomyositis, likely because of defects in negative selection in proliferating T cells. Of any associated autoimmune conditions of T cells have not developed in slide 27 View Image ) this may result. Many sections, portions of myofibrils located between two Z lines and are responsible for the striated appearance of rhythm... Particular pattern or type or superficial fascia micrograph of loose connective tissue.. Study this type of epithelium in theesophagus ( slide 250 ) amount of rough ER that! And CD4 ) were identified by their granular cytoplasm and their multilobular, condensed nuclei slide thin. 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1979 minnesota gophers football: roster