how to make a pan flute

Here is the process that will bring us to an almost perfectly tuned pan pipes. take about ten straws and cut them all at a different lengths as shown if you have 10 straws than make the cuts about 1 cm difference. 1. Each tube have a different length but, usually, the same diameter of all other tubes. I'm kinda strange guy. If the note is lower than n will be negative, if the note is higher it will be positive. Try using straws of varying widths. ), I keep getting very small results, like .15 for C4, and I think i'm missing something but I can't tell what. Write the numbers of each note onto the printable recording sheet. amzn_assoc_title = "More Fun Stuff"; amzn_assoc_region = "US"; We can see this fact from two formulas in the first image. Question From our 10 pipe pentatonic FunPipes to the 22 Pipe Grand Tenor and deluxe special orders. Hope this helps! The formula for calculating the length of a pan flute pipe is L = (c / f) / 4 (the "theoretical length" L equals the speed of sound c = 343 m/s, divided by the desired frequency in hertz f, that quantity divided by 4; this simplifies and rearranges to: Length of pipe (in centimeters) Frequency (in hertz) = 8575). The Pan Flute is an item that would be used to attract neutral mobs to you whitout need to use grain, carrots, seeds ecc. Honestly, I don't understand why you need to know my nameHowever, I suppose you're asking for the sources of information about the data and the formulas used. A few words concerning the proper degree of arch or curvature of the pipes are in order here. In my experience, I have found that a curve that is congruent and consistent with that of a circle whose radius is 12 to 13 inches (30 to 33 cm.) 7. Variables: L - length of pipe - wavelength d - diameter of pipe Calculation: L = /2 - (0.4) (d) #3 Measure and cut your straws the length of the eight wind columns ( L) you calculated. Actually, an open tube requires a correction factor that depends on frequency and inner diameter, but the difference should be barely noticeable. Then repeat for another tube, until you have no tube open. Take the yarn and wrap 6-7 times around all the tubes, then wrap 2-3 times between tubes (see images). If you can spot my error, please clue me in :). This method only works when you can also open the ends, because the note produced is noticeably different if the end is open or closed. If you have both at home, your kids could make a pan flute out of each. Then just trim with a knife to fine tune if needed. 2 Scour for bamboo. So thats it a basic run-down of the twelve step process for making a Pan Flute. May it serve you well! A pan flute is a mere group of tubes with a closed end (called closed cylinder, even if one end is open). Add 1/4" to 1/2" to these lengths when cutting your material. So if you were to bend a longer pipe the same amount, the change in pitch would be greater as the frequency change would be the same BUT the fractional change would be larger. You can even give your song a name. Im here to guide and assist you on your world flute journey in any way I can. Please write me at: Well, for this step Now we have a set of 13 tubes. (You can also make noise blowing right into the straw. Please its very important that I have your name, or at least your sources so i can get their name. I used aluminum instead of copper because it was easier to find the diameter I needed, plus it's lighter than copper so the flute will be lighter too. As you'll notice the frequency is inversely proportional to the length of the pipe. Now you should have three partial pan flutes: one with 8 tubes, one with 2 tubes and one with 3 tubes. How to make a pan flute - YouTube 0:00 / 16:01 How to make a pan flute Radu Nechifor 1.84K subscribers Subscribe 2.8K 202K views 1 year ago About 12 hours of work in 15 min. Anyway, you can use any material you wish, the only difference will be in the timbre (the kind of sound the instrument makes). They must have a medium thickness and constant diameter throughout the wall. Place the shortest straw on the right hand side of the tape, with the same amount (about 3/4 inch) hanging over the edge. After you have bought a bunch of bamboo poles of different sizes, the next step is to rough cut them into lengths that are somewhat longer than the length you will finally be using once the pipe is precision cut down to size. The cardinal rule here is to always cut substantially longer than the final length youll wind up using because its always easy to cut bamboo off, but not so easy to put it back on. Generally speaking, the best bamboo for Pan Flute pipes comes from the middle of the bamboo stalk, or culm there, the walls are usually not too thick and not too thin, but just about right, and the bore diameter is the most steady and constant throughout. And in the middle of the stalk, there are usually none of the annoying grooves or indentations in the cross-sectional profile of the bamboo that are caused by the branches, which usually branch off only at the top nodes of the culm. After building their own pan flutes and exploring the science of sound, children will then have the opportunity to write their own songs and record the notes for those songs on the free printable recording sheet. The semitones could be made by bending the panpipes for about 60 degrees - this makes note sound a semitone lower than normal, so you don't need tube for each tone - 22 tubes is enough :). Apply glue to the back of the lolly stick and carefully place on top the straws, making sure it touches every straw. Take the thing you want to use to close the end and close the end. When the kids have finished making their straw pan flutes, they can use them to explore sound and make music. Do you want some more directions? Your formula is length (which unit?) The second image is another virtual model of the pan flute made this way. You may not take images or content from this site without written permission. Putting a quality Pan Flute together is a lot like putting together a jigsaw puzzle you always want to be able to reach for, and find, a piece that is just the right size and shape to fit. This requires having a good supply of bamboo pipes, of all assorted sizes and bore diameters, ranging from the very largest that you will be using, right down to the very narrowest, and every conceivable size and diameter in between. You definitely dont want to come up short, so its always better to have a supply of bamboo in excess of your needs than to be wanting in any way, or having to make do with a pipe that really isnt everything that youre looking for. Besides having a wide selection of pipes of every possible diameter available, the basic qualities desired in a bamboo pipe for making Pan Flutes are straightness, roundness or cylindricality, and hardness and denseness. A bamboo pipe doesnt have to be perfectly straight in fact, few are but it cannot be too crooked; slight bowing is permissible, with adjacent pipes selected to be congruent in the direction of their bowing. 3. The inner diameter of the tube influence the speed of blow needed to make the sound audible: smaller diameter means less blow, greater diameter means more blow. If your nose touches the open end of the C, D or E tube when you try to play a C#/Db or a D#/Eb, then raise the 2-tubes group. Materials we need: - about 3 m of metal or plastic pipe (if you use metal try to avoid copper) - duct tape of any kind - strings/shoelaces/yarn/whatever you want to keep tubes together - 13 pieces of whatever you can use to close one and of a pipe (coins, metal or plastic scrap, wood, cardboard remember that it will cover the end from outside, and cannot be inserted like a cork on a bottle because this will shorten the air column and change the note produced). Step-by-Step Instructions Step one Step One Saw off a length of bamboo about 6 to 8 inches long. My local store sells only 1 or 2 m long tubes, and with 3 short (1 m) tubes you can do every pipe. Step Eleven: Tuning the Pipes Blow air into the pan flute. Next place the middle length straw right in the center. Step Nine: Framing or Reinforcing the Pipe Bottoms Finally repeat with the 3-tubes pan flute. amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "buggyandbuddy-20"; How can I find the length in centimetres and not get this: length = 345 (my local speed of sound)/ 4*440 = .196. Fitting the slats of adjoining pipes and readying them for assembly will test the precision woodworking skills of even the finest craftsman, and how well and precisely the slats are crafted reflects on the caliber of craftsmanship that went into making the instrument. Are you mainly looking to throw something together in a hurry to get an instrument you can finally play, or are you looking to craft a fine, precision instrument? The choice is yours. Ideally, if the requisite care is taken, you should be able to hold two adjoining pipes together at their slats and not be able to see even a sliver of light shining through when you hold them up to the light. One of the most helpful tools that I have found in fitting pipe slats quickly and precisely is carbon paper. Rub the interfacing slats of two adjoining pipes together with a piece of carbon paper held between them, and the high areas will be marked in black; these are precisely the areas that you need to file or scrape down to flatten and fit the slats. A few rounds of fitting the adjoining slats with carbon paper should suffice to get a pretty good fit. I love sharing crafts, science, STEM and STEAM activities, free printables and more! Also, the note emitted depend also by how the pipe is played, and you can adjust the tone by tilting the flute or changing the way you blow on the open end. Hi! ). OK, if you're reading those words you want to know more. A sharp knife/boxcutter. To make a bamboo flute, you'll need a drill, a rotary tool such as a Dremel, and attachments for it. Place a 7 inch strip of double-sided tape onto the inside of one piece of cardstock strips. Luckily, some physician (well, actually a lot of physician) already studied this matter creating and developing a branch of physics called acoustic. This is how we made our straw pan flutes, although you don't have to make them exactly as we did. This is how I. The pan flute (as other instruments) is a sophisticated musical instrument that requires you to learn techniques, terms, and at least basic knowledge of music to master it. So we can "stole" their results to serve our scopes. Making this straw flute will teach kids about maths and measurements. The stuff i use is around 5/8" inside diameter. Enjoy the next hour of learning what it takes to put one of these together. For another project (a tin whistle) I've started to sand them by hand with a medium grit sandpaper. File slightly the end surface of the tube to create something the glue will adhere to. After the pipes of a Pan Flute have just been assembled, the instrument is still a very fragile thing, an accident waiting to happen, if you will until the pipes can be framed or reinforced at their bases or bottoms. In addition, if the newly assembled pipes are left to stand for very long without being reinforced, their arch or curve can warp more and more over time. For both of these reasons, I highly recommend framing or reinforcing the pipes and putting the boot, frame or bottom on the instrument as soon as possible. Although the main necessity for undertaking this step is structural, to give the instrument adequate strength and reinforcement, aesthetic considerations also enter the picture quite prominently, and it is here that Pan Flute stylists can most express their artistic creativity. But it must be stressed here that the structural considerations of strength and reinforcement are primary, while the aesthetic considerations are secondary. What is the use of having a beautiful frame on your instrument if it is still flimsy and fragile, if it is not structurally strong and stable? In this STEM / STEAM activity, kids will make a homemade pan flute using straws! Take one of your pen tubes and measure from top to bottom half-centimeter increments on the pen tube. This is the perfect activity to accompany a lesson on the science of sound, our five senses, or music. Making a Pan Flute a Labor Intensive Process I used to play pan flutes. 4 years ago. As you blow across the straw, the air in the straw vibrates. amzn_assoc_search_bar = "true"; A short straw produces a high note. - How to make a CATAPULT - to make a FLIPPIN FLYER - to make a KAZOO - to make CARDBOARD CONSTRUCTORS - to make a PAN FLUTE - to make an ORIGAMI HEART - to make a LIFESAVER LAMBO - to make a PAPER PUPPET - to make a RAINSTICK - to make a NATURE DISPLAY - to make a LAVA BOTTLE - Does the width of the straws affect the sound they make? As I clearly state, my main sources are Wikipedia, Google and an old textbook of physics that I used when I was in high school (since then I've sold the textbook, and I don't remember the title; I'm italian, and so it was the book).There is something I'm missing? Make These Super Easy Pen Pan Flutes for a great lesson about musical instruments. I choose to use light cardboard. The disposition of tubes, in my opinion, is not so good, because of my lack of memory. Im trying out a new project for the winter. The Panflute is a craftable Pre-Hardmode Bard weapon. An assortment of drill bits ranging in diameter from 2mm to 1.5 cm. Step 2: Make a clear plan Determine the increasing number of pipe lengths your pan flute will contain. This time, since the whistle was less than 40 cm long and the sum of lengths now is more than 295 cm, I've decided not to sand it. 1. Step One: Buying and Selecting the Bamboo What can you make with pan flute in Little Alchemy 2? But we can take advantage of physics! If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Do the same on the top. First, if we make a single hole, its size doesn't matter. If you like the finiture of your tubes you can skip this step. If doing the 8 straw method, youll obviously need longer strips of cardboard and tape described in the steps below. Place the remaining two straws onto the tape. Only a really good ear can sense a difference of a few cents. on Step 1. :), Reply Perhaps the simplest way of making a Pan Flute Mold is simply to take a wooden board, hammer two rows of nails into it about 1.5 feet (45 cm.) (And less prep for you!). I found this tutorial very useful, I taught some children how to make a pan flute using these instructions and it was a huge success!I also tried a different method to close the tubes: I've cut them a bit longer than required and then I've put some plasticine at the bottom. Make minor adjustments to your embouchure and the flute's positioning so that you achieve the sound you want. Best of all, they're part of our 10-minute ESL/EFL craft for kids, which means that they're super cheap, super easy, and super fun to make. You can use some glue to the yarn to fix it in place. Intro How to make a PAN FLUTE! If you want to know how to retrive all measurement, or even to customize your pipes, then proceed with next step. Step Two: Rough Cutting the Pipes My son (just turned 6) has been very keen on making homemade books recently. A rotary tool (Dremel) with a cutting wheel and various sanding and grinding bits. Flute Acoustics | Flute Playing | If you are good player you can go even three tones lower than the basic tone of the pipe. OK, then. This can be done easily with Excel, Derive, Mathematica, even with Windows' Calc. 2. . Dual wield the flute and the rattle to use both at the same time. Mi = 13.5 cm The pan flute have a problem: each tube can produce a single note, so if you want a full 3 octave flute you have to make 36 different tubes. I have two questions. I'm very sorry that I haven't take any picture Maybe I will do another tin whistle, and use the project for another Instructable. The next one I will make will be a D-whistle, the traditional Irish tuning for this instrument. Stylistically and aesthetically, there are several possible variations in the designing of Pan Flute frames. Although Basswood is the traditional material for making Pan Flute frames, a flexible tree branch, of Willow or some other soft, pliable wood, can also be used for the front and back strips for those who want a very natural feel and look. Or, the front and back strips can be eliminated altogether, just reinforcing the instrument with successive laminations of thin Basswood, hardwood veneer or thin plywood on the instruments bottom surface. If the right pieces of bamboo or sculpted wood should be unavailable for the end pieces, then molding them out of epoxy putty and rasping or sanding them off smooth later is also a possibility. The styling variations are virtually endless, and the aesthetic possibilities of using exotic woods and other materials can also provide great artistic and creative possibilities. Just remember that structural considerations of strength and reinforcement should be satisfied before you start to consider aesthetics. Cut the Bamboo to Size Cut the bamboo into tubes of different sizes based on the dimensions already indicated. Pan Flutes for beginners and professionals, hand-made and beautifully crafted. amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; You will need that extra for tuning the flute later on. The formula we need is the one in the first pic. Optional: Decorate your cardstock with markers, crayons, or paint. Also on a side-note, I found an online free tuner for flutes and similar woodwinds, also works great for fine-tuning panpipes ;) Link is:, Seems I ran into a snag of some sort when calculating the pipe lengths, I'll work the formula step-by-step for the pipe above the A @ 440, hopefully you can spot my screw-up. The result of those operations should be similar to the one depicted in the last two images. Im attempting to make long tubes made of wood similar to a pan flute. Any ideas? #2 Use the wavelength and diameter and solve for the length of each straw wind column ( L ). Question Its best modifier is Fabled . How we can do that? Step Eight: Pipe Assembly Probably the difference is due to the fact that the speed you used is slightly different from the one I used. Encourage children to measure and cut their own straws. It shouldn't be necessary, but it's a further warranty. If. All rights reserved. Pan Flute (Nai): The North Wind | Bansuri: The South Wind | Native American Style Flute (Love Flute): The West Wind The Shop features a special 15-pipe Starting Package that includes our 15-pipe pan flute, a 100 page instruction book with videos, and a CD of some of Brad's music for you to enjoy. The process of fitting the slats so that the pipes interface well with each other is one that can be done in either a quick and perfunctory fashion, or in a more precise fashion whatever level of painstaking precision, or relative lack thereof, you choose to select, there needs to be a relatively high level of consistency and uniformity in the slatting depths of the pipes from top to bottom. You shouldnt have one pair of interfacing slats be cut very deeply with the ones immediately above or below it being cut very shallowly, for example. The slatting depth between pipes, which is measured by the closest that the inner bores of adjacent pipes come to each other at their narrowest point, is merely one dimension of pipe slatting and fitting. The slats need to be angled inwards ever so slightly towards the players side so that the surfaces of adjoining slats fit together perfectly on the Pan Flute Mold. Also, when viewed from the tops to the bottoms of adjacent pipes, the pipes and their slats need to be fairly uniform in width from top to bottom. Twisting or skewing of the slats from top to bottom should also be eliminated. Theoretic lessons are gone, now let's do something more practical! File also the section to make it planar, especially if you use an handsaw. panflute. Some is a bit larger and some is a bit smaller but 5/8" inside diameter seems to work best. Step 2: Tracing Mark with a pencil, then cut the straws to different lengths. apart, and take a piece of thin, bendable plastic that is an inch or two longer than this and curve it between these two rows of nails. However, in my experience, the curve produced by this simple process is not uniform throughout its length; the best method is to cut another two wooden boards, one at the top and the other at the bottom of the mold, with precisely the right, uniform curve desired, then glue the plastic to these two boards at the top and bottom ends of the mold. What is the ideal curve for a Pan Flute Mold? In my experience, the ideal curve is that of a circle with a radius of 12 to 13 inches (30 33 cm. Use a ruler to measure and mark the bamboo. Research the history behind pan flutes. All rights reserved. Although in some accounts the invention of the instrument was attributed to Cybele or Hermes, the deity . In order to have the right acoustical proportions and response, the narrowest part of a pipes bore needs to be its upper rim, with every part of the bore below it being at least that width, if not slightly wider but never narrower. If the middle or lower parts of a pipes bore should be narrower than the bore diameter at its top end, the pipes tone will sound false or glassy, and there will be instability of pitch and/or tone quality. And the octave-and-a-fifth produced by overblowing a pipe will fall flat of the true fifth. Although most species of bamboo produce pipes whose bores are narrowest at their top end or perfectly cylindrical, some species of bamboo, most notoriously Black Bamboo (Phyllostachys nigra) will often be narrower at their bottom ends in their natural state. If this should be the case, the bore needs to be widened at the pipes bottom end with a rat tailed file, and the bore delicately engineered to produce a perfectly cylindrical camber or one that is slightly wider at the bottom end. Doing this straightly and precisely is easier said than done, and takes a lot of painstaking precision. It is a good idea to precision measure the pipe bores at their top and bottom ends with calipers., Step Seven: Slatting and Fitting the Pipes Number each straw 1-5 with a black Sharpie. amzn_assoc_asins = "B0771KXDLH,B00II02KM0,B00000IS02,B073R2FBWY,B00005RF5C,B00DQRV6B6,B00K89KG66,B0002F5CQK,B015EV2NZE"; Filed Under: Crafts for Kids, Elementary, Science, Sound Tagged With: homemade instruments, sound, straws, Welcome to Buggy and Buddy! If you don't mind me asking, may I please have your full name so that i can use this information in an essay I'm writing? Reply But what if we want a note higher than a C6? All the ends of the straws should line up about 3/4 inch over one edge of the cardstock. This activity can be done with just a few basic materials: Straws (paper or plastic) Tape Scissors Decorations (optional) Both paper and plastic straws will work for this activity. If you don't know how to use a tube-cutter and you cannot figure out by yourself feel free to ask. Two tubes of equal length, but one closed at one end and the other completely open, produce the same note within two adjacent octaves. Other Flutes | Bio | Links | Contact, QUESTIONS, COMMENTS AND FEEDBACK WELCOME! 2. The length of the tube influence the pitch: longer tubes produce lower notes, shorter tubes produce higher notes. 3 years ago, 3 years ago Teach yourself Pan Flute. We cannot start making something if we don't have anything to start with. After the slats of the adjacent or adjoining pipes have been thoroughly fitted to one another to your complete satisfaction and you have the slatted pipes exactly how you want them, it is time to assemble the pipes by gluing them together. I emphasize here that you must be totally ready and satisfied with all your work on the individual pipes up until this point before undertaking the assembly of the pipes because the step of assembly represents a critical turning point, the river Rubicon of Pan Flute making if you will, after which there is absolutely no turning back. The essential heart or core of a Pan Flute is its particular gamut or lineup of pipes, from top to bottom, and after you glue that lineup together, this essential heart or core of the instrument is set, and there is no turning back at least not easily, at any rate. Before assembly, you are free to substitute one pipe for another and wonder which particular lineup or assortment of pipes is best but not after assembly. After assembly, the essential heart or core of the Pan Flute is finished, and all the steps that follow are merely those of finishing up the instrument., Because pipe assembly is such a critical step in Pan Flute making, I recommend that it not be approached lightly or hastily, but rather with a methodical seriousness, dedication and preparation. It is always a good idea to do a dry rehearsal or run-through of the assembly process, from bottom to top, at least once before the real event. It also goes without saying that you need to have all the pipes, from bottom to top, all lined up in a row on a table top outside the Pan Flute Mold so that, once the assembly process is started, you dont have to waste any time hunting around for pipes, or, even worse, to glue one pipe to another that is out of its proper sequence. You must be in a calm, focused mental state for pipe assembly and not hurried, rushed or distracted in any way if you are intent on doing a good job of it. Also, it is helpful not to assemble the pipes if your stomach is too empty or at a time when your blood sugar is critically low, because this can disturb your focus and concentration. I have found that the best time to assemble the pipes is in the evening, so that the glue can dry overnight. The assembled pipes are a great thing to wake up to in the morning., For assembling the pipes, I recommend a good, high quality furniture or wood glue that is of high strength. Assembly proceeds from the bottom pipe all the way up to the top, with the topmost or uphill slat of the pipe below receiving the glue and the pipe above being placed onto it. As you glue each pipe up the scale to the one directly below it by placing glue on the pipe below, there are three basic parameters or dimensions that must be checked well as you go. First of all, is the tilt or pitch of the pipe from side to side correct? In order to get the right tilt of the pipes, I recommend that, during rehearsal, lines be drawn with a pencil connecting the edges of the bores of adjoining pipes at their closest point, at least for the bottom five pipes, which set the basic orientation for all subsequent pipes. A correct side-to-side tilt of the adjacent pipes will produce a line connecting them that is unbroken and intact. Secondly, are the top rims of the pipes pretty much lined up flush with one another? I say pretty much here because if there are minor discrepancies in the flushness of the top pipe rims, this can be remedied in the first step of beveling the pipes, which is to flatten the top rims of the pipes with a large flat rasp. And thirdly, is each pair of adjoining slats thoroughly glued and affixed, from the tops of the adjoining pipes to their bottoms?. Will make a single hole, its size does n't matter crafts science! Me at: Well, for this step now we have a medium sandpaper! 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About musical instruments straws, making sure it touches every straw structural of... One Saw off a length of bamboo about 6 to 8 inches long cut the bamboo what can make. Dremel ) with a cutting wheel and various sanding and grinding bits in! About maths and measurements quickly and precisely is easier said than done, and takes a lot of painstaking.! Printable recording sheet, our five senses, or even to customize your pipes, then proceed next!

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how to make a pan flute