advantages and disadvantages of using a table and css formatting

because both the table and the and elements have separate borders. I thought my question BTW why css layout over table layout' was clear from the context but apparently not. Itll be interesting to see how it develops and also what kind of browser support it gets. There are many more people who dont have those problems. the ability to do this is what switched me from using the table-based layouts I was first taught. WebJavaScript advantages Fast speed: JavaScript is executed on the client side thats why it is very fast. Advantages of Inline CSS: Inline takes precedence over all other styles. I use it and love it. You can definitely hire someone to create a template for the site if you want. They dont need a lot of fancy features or tons of content. The border-collapse property sets whether the table borders Tables are still very useful for layout given that most sites are still essentially boxes that never move, but adjust in size as needed. It sounds like youre good about keeping your code clean, but more code means more chances for error. I do think there is an advantage for div based techniques for high traffic sites and I will continue to expand my knowledge of div based layouts for this reason. I just wrote this post a couple months before Matt Cutts mentioned how some at Google were pushing for that to be a factor. Divs cant do what tables can as simple as that. Another example of hype at its finest. For me this debate is less css vs tables as it is divs vs tables. Fixed positions make things more flexible? As far as the speed issues, Google didnt really talk about load times affecting ranking until after I wrote this post. Not all browsers (especially older versions) render tables the same. That leads to easier maintenance, more freedom in design, and quicker load times. Regarding Google using load times, does that mean that if your server is on a lower bandwidth connection, or on a slower server that Google will hold that against you, or do they have a way of disregarding those variables and just base it on how long each page would take to load if bandwidth, lag and server response were constant? Its pretty common to do when first learning css. IE gets some things wrong, but it gets a lot more things right. divs vs tables RIGHT! Let me also say that if you prefer to develop sites with a table-based layout, good for you. If there is anyone that actually codes full table-based websites by hand I would be curious to know what reasoning they have for not switching. I cant go selling a 10 MS speed advantage to anyone and expect them to take me seriously. You can probably also wrap the code in a blockquote. Theres really no reason in my opinion to use floats on a horizontal list when the goal is to have the list elements cooperate rather than be independent blocks whose widths are determined by content and padding. Oddly as grids become more and more in use theyre sometimes developed in a way that attempts to recreate a table using css. Tables can be part of your layout, but they shouldnt make up the entire layout. CSS is a standard across the board. CSS based design is unquestionably superior to table layout, but due to sheer laziness the practice of table design has held on. So, its important to ensure faster speed. Why does anyone really care how something is put together? What Im saying though is the problem isnt css itself. There are a few downsides while using CSS. Its more in how you code it where I dont think html tables are the right approach. Maybe the differences in load times arent as noticeable as they once were and with most people having high seed connections it might not seem like a big deal. Then I had to make changes to one site and thought there had to be a better way. CSS is very useful for styles regardless of how you do the layout. Thats not the case. Use table-layout: fixed to create a This process allows me to offer fixed price websites without a lot of risk that Im going to have to eat a lot of hours resolving cross browser compatibility issues. Those arguments alone should be enough to tip the scales in the argument. Justin, apparently I named this post well, since the debate never seems to die. Can you recommend several online tutorials on how to lay out a web page with divs, as well as with their accompanying css rule elements? If you ever visited a page that showed nothing for a few seconds before everything suddenly appeared, that time was likely your browser making its first pass over the table structure behind the page. If youre having to spend the vast majority of your time finding workarounds for IE then youve probably been doing something wrong. I hope this will show some good ways to the others. A 10 MS difference is meaningless. The third problem with tables is in how browsers render them. I honestly dont care what they call it.. as long as it still works like tables. The more professional sites are *usually* built using div/css scripting and now table cells as most sites require absolute positioned content which most sites are not using. Laying information out this way is simply more intuitive than floating divs, not from a web standards perspective, but from a kid puts shapes in the holes perspective. As far as it being easier for you to code it with a table now, thats probably true. I dont use DreamWeaver and you dont need to add fixed dimensions everywhere to make divs work. If I tired to reply to your comment in Spanish it would take me hours, even days, to put together a few coherent sentences. 1. I dont agree with their reasoning, but it is there. Your comment suggests your commenting on the title of this post and not the content of the post. It still ends up being less code than you would use for a similar table based design. To each their own in regards to tables. I agree that CSS is much better in theory, but as long as people use IE and Microsoft refuses to be standards compliant, I dont think CSS for structure is the greatest idea. Assuming no major errors I think the search spiders will get through your code fine whether its css or tables. We needed three sets of tags to present some content as opposed to the one set of div tags. Granted, CSS loads faster and for big websites is easier to maintain for large websites, but after trying to convert the newindex1 page from tables to CSS, Im having a very hard time understanding why CSS is better for small websites. Most of the sites I create are for small businesses averaging around 10 60 pages. You say that people apparently think tables are easier than css because they already know tables, but I think youre wrong there. 1)Flexible?No.Tables are much more flexible due to fixed positions.Yes,fixed positions.You just have to set the positions and hey presto!Your site as you want it! Odds are pretty good that none of the people who wrote these posts are or were on the development teams that wrote the browser code. This site uses css and works in IE for example as do many, many others. The example below specifies a solid border for

, and elements: The table above might seem small in some cases. They make a lot of sense for displaying things like data. The spiders are highly efficient at discerning code from content. Youll compare each of the arguments against another based on relevant data. It certainly lags behind other browsers, but for the most part IE fro version 7 on is css2 compliant. What Im trying to figure out is the benefits in using CSS for LAYOUT. If you know what youre doing you might need a few lines of css total to fix IE bugs. The secret is you have to use < and > for the angle brackets or it gets interpreted as actual code. Its true that less code means less potential for show stopping errors, but those show stoppers can exist regardless of your sites structure. Load time is always going to be an issue. Im not logged into the site right now, but next time I am, Ill see if I can fix it. WebHere are the top 5 reasons to use Word Styles: 1. Not doing something because it takes time to learn is laziness.. Artificial intelligence designer salary. There are many databases with different data formats to choose for an application. Eventually it works, but at what cost? This can be very expensive. The rest is a necessary evil to get the design into the medium. Feel free to email me and if you dont mind waiting a bit Ill be happy to help. Personally, if I could instantly convert a design into HTML, Id do it. Its really about 5 -10 minutes work to set up. When I first learned how to develop a website I learned to build them with tables like so many others. This is one of the reasons why there are people who prefer tables instead of using this kind of trickery and black magic to fake the appearance of what tables can do without all the extreme measures. I believe many developers only read do not use tables, missing the later half of the sentence for layouts. The defaults only come into play if you dont specifically tell the browser what to use. In the best case scenario youd be adding at least another table cell to get another block of information compared to adding another div for another block of information, which would grow our code equally. IE and Opera supports CSS as different logic. Which CSS framework is better Tailwind CSS or Bootstrap ? 1) Easier Site-Wide Changes CSS proponents claim site-wide changes are easier with CSS because you change one file and boom, it changes on all pages. There might be cross-browser issues while using CSS. Not so much about being able to have your changes update across the site, but on the single page itself. Yet every few months someone else pops in here to tell me why Im clueless and to argue in favor of table-based layout. misinformation spreads on both sides of this debate,,,,, Establishing Stability In 2021 After A Chaotic 2020, My Goals For 2020This Object In Motion Wants To Keep Moving, 2019 Goals ReviewAn Unexpected Change Of Plans Taught Me A Lot, Happy ThanksgivingWindow Displays, MOMA, and Central Park Images, ReviewThe Elements Of Logo Design: Design Thinking, Branding, and Making Marks. Just because tables make one thing easier doesnt make them better than divs and css overall. At first its confusing since its such a different approach, but once you make it through the learning curve its obvious that the div/css combination is a much better and more flexible approach to building sites. It will work equally as well, and only take seconds to accomplish. It separates style from content (editable/un-editable). I dont even have a copy of IE to work with. Who cares, as long as it looks good on all the browsers and search engines are picking it up. (801) 636-5158. According to ZipRecruiter, the average annual salary for an AI designer in the US as of July 7, 2022, is $100,224. Nice presentation by the way. There is nothing wrong using CSS and Tables. And, if anything, those advantages are more pronounced now than ever. To design in CSS is far better, by the subject of order, maintenance, accessibility, navigability and thousand reasons more. The problem most people have when learning to use divs is trying to force them to act like tables instead of allowing them to be what they are. My guess as to why they didnt learn it as well as you is because its actually not intuitive as you say, especially when trying to implement a grid shape with 3 independent blocks. .Net has master pages and user controls which are ideal for repeating blocks of code. Im amazed people still argue in favor of table-based layout. Discover the best hard disk format for your Mac! I think your experience is similar to what most people whove made the transition from tables to css go through. acknowledge that you have read and understood our, Data Structure & Algorithm Classes (Live), Data Structures & Algorithms in JavaScript, Data Structure & Algorithm-Self Paced(C++/JAVA), Full Stack Development with React & Node JS(Live), Android App Development with Kotlin(Live), Python Backend Development with Django(Live), DevOps Engineering - Planning to Production, GATE CS Original Papers and Official Keys, ISRO CS Original Papers and Official Keys, ISRO CS Syllabus for Scientist/Engineer Exam, Interview Preparation For Software Developers. WebDisadvantages of tables. Thanks Kevin. Whats the deal? Im not sure why people think it takes a lot of time to get things working cross browser. And Id suggest its still debatable that tables do equal columns better. CSS is not hard to learn.The argument is made by people comparing learning something new to learning something they already know well. Read the post to find out why. Tables and grids are not the same thing in web development. Tables are not effective by themselves anymore I agree, it takes a lot of time updating thing manually, so CSS is a BIG help. People can build sites without using a table-based layout now and still do. And, then I can see what theyve done with the code as far as CSS goes. Mark your site would be very easy to code with a css layout. I would never develop the site that way, but I know there are people who can. With the 4 methods youve got the only that really comes close is the last & it requires more code. I believe Whats best in a given scenario depends mostly on the skill set of the person doing the job. Advantages of tables (3) Raw data, any type of data. I code both a little differently now, but the posts might still help. I understand people have old code and sometimes they just need to fix it. I dont think the choice is about shape though. It totally contradicts the argument that you can completely change the layout with only css, as if youd want to put one item before another. I hear you Bill. Granted its not the kind of change youre likely to make, but as an example it shows the greater flexibility and control you have in developing with divs. Im lucky if I can still remember 50 words in Spanish. If anything I think the code would be almost equal and the differences insignificant. I show this above in the post. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using a table and CSS formatting for displaying the fitness centers hours and fees on the website. It doesnt mean youll make the error, but more chances exist. Id rather switch my page to tables, than screw around with IE. It takes some practice, but its really much easier than you might think. Conclusion. The same rules apply: only a situation where not using tables for layout damages the users experience will absolutely qualify (Yes, I like clean code too.) Your layout is really one thats pretty easy to code. : Get certifiedby completinga course today! Where exactly are my tutorials not accurate? For some reason this is frowned upon as well. And if you want to use a wysiwyg editor, they just dont work properly anymore in 2019. Calling this debate css vs tables is actually inaccurate. I do have a very fast development process which involves slicing an image file from my designer, using a tool called Image Splitter. Columns of equal height? I come from a developer background and am now working as an SEO consultant (I know, Boooo and all that) so I am definately an advocate of divs and I have to disagree with: Search engines dont care one bit if the code behind your page uses tables or divs. Again all I said was faster in this post and 10ms is still faster. One issue is that different browsers have different deffinitions of the padding and the margin variables. The key issue is not to use tables for the layout of your site template. The reason people are still defending table based layouts is because tables are the correct SHAPE for most client specifications, not independent blocks floated to the left, or independent blocks with absolute positioning or independent blocks using any other trick to make them seem like they cooperate. One thing Ive noticed in your tutorials is that your not very accurate with alignment. Over the past few years Ive been slowly converting them to divs and CSS. Web Explain the advantages and disadvantage of using stylesheets; Use CSS to create web pages. Id have to see the css youre using to understand why youre having problems. You can make css work with IE and it really isnt hard. The advantages with using divs are essentially counter to the problems with tables described above. As for formatting and style, you should use a clear and descriptive title that reflects the main topic and keywords of your paper. Thanks Emma. At least my code doesnt use tables for the site layout. Fair points and thanks for making this an intelligent conversation. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using a table and CSS formatting for displaying the fitness centers hours and fees on the website. I learned through them. Many people are able to build sites using css as a layout and getting them to work cross-browser including IE without any difficulty. When I said forcing divs to act like tables I dont mean you cant arrange them in a way that looks something like a table. Hi Jennifer. On one hand you say you can create 3 columns of equal heights with divs, but in your blog post, you mentioned that people shouldnt try to make tables with divs. If you want to report an error, or if you want to make a suggestion, do not hesitate to send us an e-mail: W3Schools is optimized for learning and training. You can do that regardless of how you structure your layout. If you were to point one out to me Id either fix it or explain why it might not be working for you and probably even help you make it work. The argument is about how to structure a web page. Tables will get you on the air with display compatibility quickly and with confidence. Lets see if we can dispel a few myths from each side. 8.1 Introduction to Style Sheets . Your 2-column layout example could easily be accomplished with a .Net master page. It makes updating global and quicker. Divs dont require complicated css. If you want to use tables go ahead. Incidentially you do provide 100% of the code because you show it in your examples, in the source. Both Fixed and Variable database extents can only be larger than 2 GB when largefiles are enabled with an Enterprise Database license, the OS is enabled for largefiles and user quota/limits allow. I will use them to learn more about CSS. I try making 100% css layouts and they never are cross browser effective, so I resort back to tables and I never have issues. Tables should be used when a bunch of blocks need to depend on each other, like maintain the same height, or to cooperate in filling their parents width. This can provide evidence that will back-up a particular choice. Click OK twice to exit the Table Properties dialog box. So what difference does it make? Do a search for css vs tables or similar and you can find a lot out there. The best practices standard for doing web design is to use DIVs for page structure and tables for tabular data only. Tutorials, references, and examples are constantly reviewed to avoid errors, but we cannot warrant full correctness of all content. Unfortunately, by using tables I think increased load time and perhaps SEO unfriendliness of my code are stumbling blocks to my future success as a web designer. One debate Im honestly curious about is the best way to go about table type content with CSS, such as using the actual table properties, using display: inline, using float: left, etc wheres that write up? Theyre much easier to use now. I think much of the reason css vs tables is still debated is the misinformation people on both sides put out there. However there are other methods to abstract changes that need to be applied to more then one file into a single file. If youre constantly having to fix old code though, I would recommend looking into the feasibility of redeveloping the site. Ive been coding on and off since the mid 90s and have been hearing about tables are only for tabular data blah blah blah for years. Perhaps its a matter of experience, but if you know what youre doing you never need to use any kind of hack. Its now moving on from the CSS methods that replaced tables and using CSS thats being written specifically to lay out sites. If the human eye cant tell any difference, then whats the point? I REALLY dont have any desire to fight that battle again. Ive been doing web design since the beginning of the internet as a hobby and now professionally and I like a combination of both worlds. One argument the css side always uses is that having your presentation in a separate file makes the site easy to maintain. Its not going to bother me at all. I wont restate all the reasons why since I said them in the post already. I promise Im not laughing. One must know these disadvantages so that he or she is aware and takes care of them while Easy to learn: JavaScript is easy to learn. It sounds like Im being lumped in with other people who are making grand claims. If someone wants to use tables and it gets the job done then more power to them. designing since 1999 started with dreamweaver, handcoding is a pain and for programmers. How to Turn a Design Image Into a Working Web Page: Part 1, How to Turn a Design Image Into a Working Web Page: Part 2. Even though I like tables I appreciate it when someone with a different opinion can use humble language to support his case. To remove double borders, take a look at the example below. Likewise I seem to see a lot of likewise ambiguous clamoring about the change that CSS brings with little reason to change. They use less code. The problems I run into are on updates: adding a few lines here, and changing the text there. Im really struggling with whether to learn and use CSS for layout. CSS doesnt restrict anything. The programing language world is complicated for non-developers and beginners. I agree with using divs and css to display content for what I think is a pretty simple reason if I want to change the look of my site I can write a new style sheet using the same div IDs and the site is suddenly completely different. Home.
element: Notice that the table in the examples above have double borders. WebCSS is clearly preferable in cases where presentational markup and CSS support the same kind of design, no one in their right mind would argue that font-tags are better than 2. Learning at write CSS layouts can be tricky, especially if you become familiar with usage tables, but here's why CSS is your best programming bet. If I had stopped my study on the first day the table would have won by an equally small margin. Feel free to email me if you want. Thanks for the online references, Steven. They seem to work quite well for many people who arent you. You also keep pointing out how everyone who disagrees needs to keep learning, but if youve ever been in a large production environment, youd realize that this is a complete load of bullshit. Table layout; Multiple-column layout; Each technique has its uses, advantages, and disadvantages. Specifically, it would take more than one div to create a row cell structure so when you need to display data in that structure its actually exactly the same amount of html whether you use a table or nested divs. Its often used as simple data storage, NoSQL. This is why divs arent superior for layout coz they cant even do what tables do out-of-the-box even with all the complicated different solutions people have invented to try and get close. Once you specifically set the bottom padding of a paragraph to say 20px, all browsers will give paragraphs a 20px bottom padding. 3. WebYou can have as many rows as you like in a table; just make sure that the number of cells are the same in each row. Global changes are easier: If youre using external styles, you make a change in one place and its automatically propagated to all the pages in the system. Different browsers rendered the design differently. Also the css is alot harder to understand than it would be with a simple table layout. Theyre quicker to load which I mentioned above. However please dont imply that css cant work for old sites or makes it more difficult to work on an existing table driven site. Im glad your process works for you, but that doesnt change my opinion. Using display: table-cell would work fine now that everyone uses IE8 or over, but the floating div folks insist on emulating a grid with floating blocks anyway. It was difficult (and very confusing) at the start, but Im now completely clear on why its a better approach. There are also dozens of other methods I didnt mention. As for formatting and style, you should use a clear and descriptive title that reflects the main topic and keywords of your paper. I guarantee I can develop a page with divs quicker than you can develop it with tables. I would have to say,use divs and tables for what they are designed for. I dont think anyone is arguing in favor of html attributes. Its true that the easiest way may not be the best way, but I dont yet see that the benefits of CSS outweigh the much greater learning curve with regards to these more complex layouts. With Googles latest algorithm update (Caffeine) emphasising page load times as a SE ranking factor it is now more important than ever from an SEO stand point to reduce the amount of code on a webpage. My point is that there are other ways to achieve this benefit. Im not questioning the benefits of CSS in general. I feel like Im at a confessional since most web designers dont do it this way, but my designs image heavy and clients have been very pleased with my work. Is it possible that there are errors in my tutorials? Could you send me a link to the page? In theory, CSS is the answer, the problem is that the way browsers deal with SOME of it is not only not standardized, but can actually have the exact opposite result for example position: absolute can cause a column to move to the left in one browser and cause it to move down in another, and cause it to move up in yet another. Eric Meyers books are good. Nothing you said is true and most of it doesnt make any sense. Neither is true. Here is a link to an article with more detail. You can either explicitly set the values when browsers are behaving differently or use a css reset file like the ones from Eric Meyer or Yahoo. Why does it matter how divs are rendered as long as the document written with strong conventions and good semantics? CSS has many advantages that enable developers to design a website. I learned by reading the book Eric Meyer on CSS. If you read the post youll see I never once said you couldnt use tables. The whole semantics argument is nonsense. Cant be done, we have faux columns but thats really just green screen trickery in doing so. Here are my questions. If you are designing using CSS for layout, cool! I can understand your frustration, but its not the fault of css. A list? 4) Separation of Style and Content I guess this one is related #1, ease of updating? This is the same when using divs. Now that they have indicated that load times will be a ranking factor I would agree that divs make more sense. It doesnt once you know the one or two places where there could be an issue. I wrote it to answer the question. I agree with you about css3-grids. I am currently a consultant with an enormous company that forces us to support IE6. Which is why Im not one to generally make that argument. The performance claims Ive read about here and elsewhere on the web for divs over tables are over-hyped I found only a 10 ms advantage for the div technique over the table technique. In order for a browser to render a page built with tables it needs to read the code on the page twice. Thats it. Its a great way to learn. While you probably wont appreciate hearing this, the more likely cause for the problems you see is your own knowledge of css. In this case, it is almost impossible to get CSS only to render this as desired, either the width or the height of the side banner will be wrong, or the background image will appear to disappear or not be long enough, or be too long, or the content will bleed over into the side banner if you change the width of the browser. Back in 2003, I gave my presentation, Why tables for layout is stupid, at Seybold ( about the advantages of CSS layouts. The times when floating blocks are more appropriate to use, besides its original intended use of having text wrap around images, is specifically when the blocks are meant to be independent from one another. If you look at the source code of most sites (especially the ones you like) youll discover that most and nearly all use css for page layout. Theres simply less code to create a div than there is a table with a row and cell. I typed along with all the code samples and it helped me a lot. Thats why so many people say its more intuitive and why css has a steeper learning curve. Code samples and it helped me a link to an article with detail. Learned how to develop sites with a simple table layout ; Multiple-column layout each... Of a paragraph to say 20px, all browsers will give paragraphs a 20px bottom padding of paragraph! Any kind of browser support it gets, I would have to a..., by the subject of order, maintenance, accessibility, navigability and thousand reasons more to generally make argument. Im lucky if I could instantly convert a design into the medium into,... Of experience, but I know there are many more people who can months before Cutts! 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advantages and disadvantages of using a table and css formatting

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