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2 Test Your Knowledge! Findings of this article suggest that physical, psychological, religious, and social factors may affect the mother and her fetus respectively from the Sunnah domain. Fearful parents endure higher levels of stress, non-significant symptoms of depres- Teratogens. This article aims to examine the factors affecting prenatal development, significantly, before and during pregnancy with respect to the development of a child's personality at later stages of life. ‐Drugs (street or over the counter) ‐Alcohol ‐Cigarettes ‐Disease ‐Poor nutrition ‐Stressors ‐Chemicals ‐Almost anything can impact a developing fetus 6 It's all about timing… ‐The effect of a teratogenis very personal because the impact depends on the timing of exposure. à some teratogens cause damage only during specific days or weeks in early pregnancy There are many factors that can influence the development of infants and toddlers. HEALTH ODYSSEY - PRENATAL NUTRITION December 2010. Teratogen is defined as any environmental agent that causes damage during the prenatal period. The amount of home darn depends on: Research conducted at Rutgers University demonstrated that prenatal factors affect linguistic development and postnatal factors contribute to a child's cognitive development. However, if the mother has a bad nutrition, her emotional conditions, and the exposure of drugs/toxins. The fetus is nourished by the diffusion of oxygen and nutrients between fetal blood and maternal blood in the placenta (figure 4.3). Maternal antenatal under nutrition - m/c cause of IUGR in developing countries as compared to maternal smoking and alcoholism in developed ones. These results suggest that other factors may be associated with adverse pregnancy outcomes in women with low SES. Countless factors, from family and environment to genes and biology, influence a child's growth and development. Genetic mutations and polymorphisms can be inherited or acquired. ‐Most babies are born healthy and most hazards can be avoided. What factors influence prenatal development? Nutritional intake during pregnancy was the first identified factor that affects fetal development. Five factors that might affect prenatal development are the mother's diet, the mothers age, prenatal support, the mother's health, and drug or alcohol use. For instance, the natural connection of a fetus to the mother enables sharing anything ingested by the mother. The fetal period begins during week nine of pregnancy and endure until the birth of the child. Culture is a universal human experience (Cole and Packer 2011), but a clear picture about psychological and protective factors concerning pregnancy in cultural contexts has not emerged (Slade et al. There is much evidence to suggest that there may be consequences to prenatal development from exposure and overexposure to teratogens (Kail? Uterine Crowding Heavy Sedation Occurs during the labor process. The process of fetal development starts from fertilization of the ovum till the delivery of the baby. Fortunately, the effects of many of these hazards can be greatly lessened or even avoided entirely. The reason I identified these aspects are that a pregnant woman's nutrition should have essential vitamins for… Irreconcilable Differences. Each of these points can affect pregnancy and how the fetus develops. This interferes with the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the fetus. It is worthwhile to keep in mind there are several factors that affect the development of a Use of drugs. True or False? Congenital anomalies (birth defects) occur in 2%-4% of all live born children. These factors can impact kids throughout the course of development, particularly at critical periods of development during the prenatal period and early childhood. In the United States prenatal care is viewed as essential. Genetic variation, the genetic difference between individuals, is what contributes to a species' adaptation to its environment. Prolonged working hours or occupational fatigue are risk factors for preterm birth and preeclampsia [5, 19]. Recent investigations suggest that certain factors play an important role in the development of a child during the prenatal period. "Most everything the mother ingests, including food . 2009; Valsiner 2000).Instead, attention to the cultural aspects of pregnancy has been limited to obstetric risk factors (see for example, Vogel et al. ERIC is an online library of education research and information, sponsored by the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) of the U.S. Department of Education. Aberrant fetal growth is associated with morbidities and mortality during childhood and adult life. The complex process of prenatal development demands the care of parents to create a safe environment for their ongoing development in the womb. Environmental factors are influences such as nutrients, hormones, drugs usage and anxiety that can positively or negatively affect the fetus. She takes all possible steps needed for the growth of her baby. Smoking The nicotine in cigarettes is thought to contract the blood vessels in the uterus and placenta. Micro nutrients like zinc and Vit C has a role in growth. Fetal 5-HT levels can be influenced by several gestational factors, such as maternal genotype, diet, stress, medication, and immune activation. placental factors, fetal factors, and maternal factors 3 factors to consider when looking at prenatal malnutrition any problem with the supply and transport of nutrients from the placenta to the fetus Environmental variables can also play a major role in prenatal development. Agents, imbalances and factors implicated in the disruption of embryonic or foetal development through their teratogenic effects are summarised in Table 28.3. a. Maternal Health. Biological influences can include gender, prenatal care, and the mother's prior states of health. Prenatal Influences on Obesity. Environmental factors are influences such as nutrients, hormones, drugs usage and anxiety that can positively or negatively affect the fetus. In the pre-conception period, several modifiable factors in paternal behaviour and nutrition can influence sperm count and quality, and consequently affect fertility. The risk is greater during the early stages of pregnancy, when development is progressing more rapidly. Overcrowding in the mother's uterus is caused by the presence of twins, triplets, or quadruplets. The fetal period begins during week nine of pregnancy and endure until the birth of the child. 2 Test Your Knowledge! Vitamins A, B6, B12, C, D, E, and K are very much needed for prenatal development. The NIH suggests routine prenatal care to lower the risk of complications to the mom and fetus during pregnancy. Most common congenital malformations demonstrate multifactorial inheritance with a threshold effect and are determined by a combination of genetic and environmental factors. 2013), barriers or facilitating conditions in . First, occupational factors, such as long working hours and physical exertion, likely affect obstetric outcomes. During the fetal stage, the baby's brain develops and the body adds size and weight, until the fetus reaches full-term development. Genetic Factors Affecting Fetus And Child Development. During this period, if a mother consumes a significant amount of alcohol, maintain high levels of anxiety . Background: Culture is a universal phenomenon, but most interest about culture during pregnancy has focused on medical care, neglecting psychological aspects of normative development. ‐Most babies are born healthy and most hazards can be avoided. Influences on Prenatal Development QUICK LOOK AT THE CHAPTER AHEAD Teratogens are extrauterine agents that cause structural abnormalities in the embryo or fetus. The Sunnah and contemporary psychology highlight a number of factors that may have a direct or indirect impact on maternal and fetus health. Environmental Problems. Since the placenta cannot filter out extremely small disease carriers, such as viruses, children can be born with malaria, measles, chicken pox, mumps, syphilis, or other venereal diseases that have been transmitted from the mother. Scientists in the NICHD's Section on Child and Family Research study how these factors affect the physical, mental, and social development of growing children, along with their health and well-being. Factors occurring between conception and birth and affecting the physical or mental development of an individual (Note: From 1968-2004, where appropriate, documents dealing with this concept may have been indexed under the more precise "Prenatal Care" or the narrower "Prenatal Drug Exposure" -- As of 2004 documents dealing . 4  A number of teratogens can harm the fetus, including: Maternal Drug Use: The use of substances by the mother can have devastating consequences to the fetus. Nutrition is perhaps the most influential non-genetic factor in fetal development. However, pregnancy can be viewed as a "normal" condition by many Hispanic and . True or False? Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Discovering prenatal conditions that influence a person's later development of psychiatric and other brain disorders is the research focus of Alan Brown, M.D., from Columbia University.The NIEHS grantee spoke Jan. 16 as part of the institute's Keystone Science Lecture Seminar Series. 1 Maternal body composition, nutritional stores, diet, and ability to deliver nutrients through the placenta determines nutrient availability for the fetus. Since then, numerous studies have shown that environmental factors are also closely associated with reproductive and child health. The following discussion depicts common factors affecting the prenatal stage positively or negatively from the Sunnah perspective: i. Prophetic Supplications for the Prenatal Child-Care The Sunnahintroduces the supplications related to the prenatal care of children. Today, it is well documented that there are many factors that could potentially harm or negatively influence the development of an unborn child during the prenatal period (1). Prenatal risk factors include chronic maternal illness, certain maternal infections, toxin exposures and nutritional deficiencies. About 45% of pregnancies result in a miscarriage, often without the mother ever being aware it has occurred (Moore & Persaud, 1993). On the other hand,. Prenatal damage caused by psychoactive drugs such as alcohol, cocaine, heroin, inhalants, and tobacco is still far too common. 2.8a How has technology changed the way that health professionals Genetic, nutritional, environmental, uteroplacental, and fetal factors have been suggested to influence fetal growth. Rubella is the most widespread of the viruses that . Life Span Development I Chapter 9. What I learn from the biological factors that influence the pre-conception and prenatal health and development, that whatever the mother consumes it will be dangerous for the baby. Since then, numerous studies have shown that environmental factors are also closely associated with reproductive and child health. Many factors effect fetal development, but some key factors are diet, the mother's age, and whether the mother smokes or consumes alcohol. This article attempts to assess some of the factors which may affect brain development, in either direction, deterioration or improvement.The brain starts to develop very early, and its foundations and potential for further development are partially laid already at birth; thus, our considerations have also to refer to prenatal period. malformations may be caused by genetic factors or environmental insults or a combination of the two that occur during prenatal development. So the author is suggesting the parents to improve prenatal development through their positive attitude to the pregnancy: to stop to use alcohol, tobacco before the conception, to improve maternal nutrition, to avoid anxiety and to create positive, safe emotional climate in the family. Although genetic and environmental factors are known to influence in utero growth, their relative contributions over pregnancy is unknown. Although what's endowed by nature is constant, nurture tends to make a big difference too. The egg and the sperm each contain 23 chromosomes, which make up our genes. Finally, factors called "growth factors" also cross from the mother's blood into fetal blood; they help support development of many different fetal tissues. Timing---the effect of a teratogen on the developing organism depends on what period in the pregnancy (in development) the child is exposed to the teratogen. Brain damage, asphyxiation or even death may result due to heavy sedation. The germinal stage occurs from conception until 2 weeks (implantation), during which the zygote begins to rapidly divide. Fetal growth is exponential and during the last 20 weeks of gestation the fetus gains 95% of its weight. Life Span Development I Chapter 9. Prenatal development (from Latin natalis 'relating to birth') includes the development of the embryo and of the foetus during a viviparous animal's gestation.Prenatal development starts with fertilization, in the germinal stage of embryonic development, and continues in fetal development until birth.. The importance of prenatal care varies from culture to culture. Uteroplacental and umbilical blood flow and transplacental glucose and fetal … Apart from the conditions of health centers and the factors that affect their use or non-use, the culture of the people, environment where they live and the socio-economic status of women is also strongly associated with pregnancy outcomes. What factors influence prenatal development? These phenomena have led to the hypothesis of "developmental origins of health and disease (DOHaD)". The warm, nutrient- and hormone-rich environment of the uterus has a profound effect on fetal development. Popular convention may dictate that the father's role in the early development of his children . Nutritional intake during pregnancy was the first identified factor that affects fetal development. What are some social and cultural factors that could influence prenatal development? Genetic factors that influence development. In this review, addressing both human and animal studies, we discuss how these gestational factors affect . Medication also belongs in the category of environmental factors that influence prenatal development. MATERNAL FACTORS H/o mother's own fetal and childhood growth. Serotonin (5-HT) is a critical player in brain development and neuropsychiatric disorders. Start studying Factors Affecting Fetal Development. largely on the interaction of several factors in any given human societies. Saletan, W. 2006, March 5. Development from Conception to Birth 2.3 What happens in each of the stages of prenatal development? How the Environment Can Affect the Vulnerable Fetus. Notably, although one may assume prenatal development to be purely natural, nurture has more effects on the fetus's development than nature. Factors Affecting Prenatal Development. The sperm and ovum each contain chromosomes that act as a blueprint for human life. Research conducted at Rutgers University demonstrated that prenatal factors affect linguistic development and postnatal factors contribute to a child's cognitive development. Brief or fluctuating changes in the intrauterine environment at critical or sensitive periods of the developmental process, as well as longer term alterations, could have irreversible, lifelong consequences. Most of the variation in fetal growth in a population is . 1  And gross motor development is widely considered to be the result of innate, biological factors, with postnatal factors contributing to a lesser extent. The way the mother eats has a major impact on prenatal development. (Consider various social and cultural factors like culture, income, poverty, availability of healthy foods and health care). Factors such as financial stress, healthcare access and drugs/alcohol use are just a few factors that could change how the fetus grows and lives before and after entering the world. These risk factors are often referred to as teratogens, which are defined as any agent that causes there to be a disruption to normal prenatal development (Kail). Factors influencing the effect of teratogens. Daddy's influence? 2.2 In what ways do genes influence development? There are three stages of prenatal development: germinal, embryonic, and fetal. Try It Prenatal Influences During each prenatal stage, genetic and environmental factors can affect development. Adequacy of iron stores should be ensured before pregnancy rather than trying . Harmful environmental elements that can affect the fetus are known as teratogens. 1 Prenatal nutrition influences fetal growth, normal development of physiological function 2 and . pregnancy, labor and postnatal development are likely to affect children before and after birth. Alcohol ‐Prenatal exposure to a dangerous substance is only The father's nutrition and lifestyle can influence pregnancy outcomes in a number of ways. 6. Finally, both nature and nurture influencing factors contribute to prenatal development. PDF Prenatal development is a complicated process and may not always go as planned. In human pregnancy, prenatal development is also called antenatal development. Prenatal Influences. Environmental factors include maternal and paternal genetics, maternal size, and the capacity of the placenta to provide nutrients to the fetus. It is necessary for a pregnant woman to consume high enough quantities of foods that are rich in certain vitamins and nutrients during fetal development in order to give birth to a healthy baby. Table 28.3 Chemicals, environmental pollutants, infectious agents, metabolic imbalances, physical factors, poisonous plants and therapeutic drugs implicated in the disruption of normal . Environmental factors have an impact on the fetus' development during each prenatal stage. ‐Prenatal exposure to a dangerous substance is only The most critical factors related to healthy prenatal development within the scenario are the environmental factors as well as everything the mother ingests. As per the scenario, these the mother's emotional state, stress, nutritional diet, and drugs consumption. This is because; the chemical composition from medication that a parent may take in can injure a fetus, through the placenta (Ormrod, 2012). Fetus is connected to the mother via an umbilical cord. This article aims to examine the factors affecting prenatal development, significantly, before and during pregnancy These factors influence a child both in positive ways that can enhance their development and in negative ways that can compromise developmental outcomes. ). Environmental influences are widely ranged and can include, but are not limited to, income, housing . The brain is the important part if the development of the child. A healthy baby is the dream of every mother. These environmental factors interact with the intrinsic growth pattern of the fetus, yielding a particular rate and composition of fetal growth. These risk factors include a mother's age and her nutrition during pregnancy; if there was drug, alcohol, or cigarette use or abuse; as well, potential maternal . The evidence suggests that environmental, rather than . Support your arguments with references. (ref3p2) If a pregnant woman becomes malnourished, the fetus might not get sufficient nutrients or other factors, slowing its growth and possibly resulting in an underdeveloped newborn. Many different factors can affect the embryo and fetus. The surprising connection between fathers and their offspring during pregnancy. 1  And gross motor development is widely considered to be the result of innate, biological factors, with postnatal factors contributing to a lesser extent. Two of the largest are biological and environmental influences. Women understand the significance of seeking early medical treatment to ensure fetal development is monitored as well as their own health. Prenatal development is also organized into three equal trimesters that do not correspond with the three stages. Whatever she consumes and whatever goes into her body enters fetus as well. We estimated, across gestation, the genetic heritability, con … FACTORS THAT AFFECT PRENATAL DEVELOPMENT 2 Factors That Affect Prenatal Development Prenatal development might be influenced by a variety of different things. 2.4 How do male and female fetuses differ? In humans, genetic variation begins with an egg, several million sperm, and fertilization. At its very beginning, the development of a child starts when the male reproductive cell, or sperm, penetrates the protective outer membrane of the female reproductive cell, or ovum. Was the first identified factor that affects fetal development starts from fertilization of the child the surprising between. S growth and development, cocaine, heroin, inhalants, and affect. Always go as planned gestation the fetus gains 95 % of its weight adequacy of iron stores should ensured... 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